Bump and Jump is a style of racing created by CTRA, back in 2007. The principle is simple : to have fun, but nevertheless clean and competitive racing in a less intense environment than typical online racing, taking part on autocross layouts.
These layouts feature jumps, sections where the racers have to deal with the oncoming traffic and narrow paths surrounded by the infamous red and white barriers, sending cars into the airs after a single contact. To be competitive, drivers need to have a great car control, a lot of patience, and a bit of luck.
After the death of CTRA in February 2009, there was no place where to race on these layouts anymore. That's why, 6 months later, we at iCON Racing decided to re-born the concept.

Instead of building up a new public server, we decided to create a league, spreaded in 5 rounds, in September and October. The original CTRA layouts will be used, on the 3 autocross areas available on LFS. Each event will be constituted by a superpole session, the front row contest, a 5 minutes race gathering the 4 fastest competitors, and 3 main races, of 12 minutes each. Three championships will be held : the drivers' championship, the team's championship and the rookie cup, reserved to the white roof licensed drivers.

Races will be held on Tuesdays, with a 5 rounds long calendar spreaded over September and October.
Our subsection can be found here : http://www.lfsforum.net/forumdisplay.php?f=271
You can sign-up here : http://www.lfsforum.net/showthread.php?t=60700. You will be warmly welcome, as soon as you want to race clean, fair, and hard !