Welcome to Ready2Roll Dailycious series!
Our community and team have been growing fast and with it the needs for more challenging races than the daily sprints on our TBO and GT2 servers. So weeks ago we’ve started to work on a new series which would allow for everyone to participate without inscriptions, with races 4 times a week. To race that often we needed an automatic system for qualifications, grid forming and racing configurations, thx to many of you we have been able to test our system in 5 big races (4 with full 32 cars grid). Today the system is ready 2 roll and tonight we will reset all the servers stats for a fresh start, of course we have many other ideas which will require more programming and they will be introduced during the season as the system updates.
The Dailycious Series consist of 4 races a week at 19:00 UTC, 2 times a week on Monday and Wednesday on TBO server and 2 times a week on Tuesday and Thursday on GT2 serve. Races will be 40 minutes +1 lap, one pit with tires change required during a pit window of 20 minutes between minutes 15 and 35. Before the race you will need to qualify for a place in the 32 allowed on the grid, everyone will be able to enter the qualifications, of course within the limit of the 47 racers allowed on our servers.
The series will start on 07-09-2009 and will end 30-06-2010, points will be attributed to every racers finishing races and will be accumulated till the end of the season, the stats will be displayed in 3 categories, TBO only, GT2 only and to encourage racers to race both we will also have GT2+TBO.
We have prepared a special page for the Dailycious series stats http://www.ready2rollteam.com/r2rdailyrace/ and you will find the top 10 of the 3 leader boards (GT2/TBO/GT2+TBO) on the portal http://www.ready2rollteam.com.
A time lock will be applied just before the race to insure that lap time difference are not too important, this time lock is now on 7,5% from current valid WR and will be reduced progressively as racers get used to the system. So that means that you will need to have a lap time (lfsw pb) within 107.5% of current valid WR to be able to participate to the race, People may see time required to join current track in their current car by typing !lock. At the same time as the time lock will be applied the server will be made private to avoid racers from joining and chatting during races.
Our system is fully automatic and will not allow manual results changes in its early version, so in the beginning races reclamations will be sanctioned by preventing the guilty racers from racing one or more races (but this will be soon fixed).
Make sure to read the rules well to learn all the ins and outs of our system. Our community consist of mature and clean racing friends and we suggest to everyone joining this series to become one of them.
Any infractions to the rules or anti sportive comportments will be sanctioned consequently…
This is a ‘’show up and race’’ kind of leagues which should allow for a maximum racers to participate, R2R team hopes that you will enjoy it like most of us did during the test races…
THX to the Team and Community for helping us building this new Series and more specially to EQ Worry and MC0676 for great job on programming and scripting our systems, Mac for writing rules around our extended discussions (not an easy task at times

Without you guys this wouldn’t have been possible, I am proud to be your team mate/friend!!
Now let’s have some fair and competitive racing, have fun racers!!
Rules and Procedures for Dailycious Series:
First, welcome and thank you for your interest in R2R Team’s daily race event series. Our Daily Race venue is designed especially for friends to race with friends in a slightly more formal atmosphere, experiencing longer and more challenging race events with a series perspective. However, just as on our other race servers, this is all about friends racing with friends and having fun. Please treat all drivers, whether you know them or not, as you would one of your best friends in LFS racing. Just as importantly, please give all drivers the same dignity and respect that you feel you yourself deserve.
We at R2R truly hope that you enjoy the Daily Race experience. Should you at any time feel that there was a problem that hindered you from having fun – please feel free to chat with any of our team members, course marshals, operating stewards, etc. We’re all here to help. We are more than happy to review your circumstances and let you know how your experience could be improved. Additionally, if someone in some way offended or wronged you – we’ll be more than happy to chat with them.
PR-1: Always check the R2R Website http://www.Ready2RollTeam.com race calendar in order to be advised of that day’s race format. Qualification format and Time/Distance of the race may vary from day to day as we move thru the series.
PR-2: There is no “Tele-Pitting” allowed during qualifying or race session in the R2R Daily Race Series. Tele-Pitting is when you are on the track and click Shift-P or Esc/Pit. The purpose of disallowing “tele-pitting” is to create a more realistic racing atmosphere.
PR-2a: Qualifying. You must perform an out lap, the number of hot laps you desire to run and a full in lap, returning to pit lane in order to complete your qualifying session. Tele-Pitting from the track will result in the loss of any time you have recorded. Once in pit lane, you may pit or join the spectators without penalty.
PR-2b: Race. Tele-pitting at any time during the race is treated as the equivalent of you pulling your car from the event. In the case of an accident, you must either continue or drive back to pit lane for service as required. Should your car become stuck or so badly damaged that you are unable to continue, you will be removed to spectator.
PR-3: Timed Out. If for some reason you are “timed out” or otherwise disconnected from the server we unfortunately must treat that situation as a “did not finish” or DNF.
General Rules – as extracted and modified from the LFS Manual.
Below is the full document of rules designed by RaceSIM and modified by R2R regarding clean racing. It is strongly recommended that all Live for Speed users adhere to them, as they affect not only your enjoyment, but the enjoyment of your fellow racers.
R-1: It is the responsibility of competitors to familiarize themselves and abide by the RaceSIM rules and regulations laid out below.
C-1: You must compete in a fair and honest manner.
C-2: You must drive responsibly, in a way that will not ruin the enjoyment for others.
C-3: Offensive language, abuse and discrimination against drivers is strictly outlawed.
I-1: Always use your recognized online name. Team tags and colors may change, but using someone else’s, or a vulgar name is dishonest and unsportsmanlike.
I-2: Car skins should require no vulgar abusive or discriminative content.
O-1: To obtain right of road position in a corner, the over takers car must have substantial overlap of the car that is being overtaken, before they reach the corners turn-in point. Should the overtaking car not have enough overlap, the leading car may resume his racing line without fear of contact.
O-2: The car on the outside has the right to outside room all the way through the corner – right up to the exit point. They should not be squeezed against the outside towards the exit point.
O-3: The car on the inside has the right to inside room all the way through the corner - right up to the exit point. They should not be squeezed against the inside towards the apex area. The ahead driver can still battle for the position of course but must do so while maintaining side room for the behind driver. The practice of going up the inside of an ahead car after they have already turned in, and where there was no established substantial overlap before the turn-in point, is sometimes referred to as barge passing, ( I.e. you barge your way past ). Understand that barge passing is a high risk maneuver for both you and others. You have no rights what-so-ever as a barge passer. Should you cause an accident from a barge passing maneuver you’ll be in a defenseless position should you be protested!
O-4: Where a leading driver has clearly made a sufficient error to warrant a passing move a behind driver may attack their position, with due caution and care, regardless of whether there was any pre-existing overlap. E.g. - If the leading driver brakes too late and drifts out wide of the apex and then has to reduce speed etc. This would be a valid passing opportunity regardless of whether there was pre-existing overlap. However, there is still substantial responsibility on the overtaking driver to take all necessary care to avoid contact. Small errors by the leading driver may not be sufficient to justify an attacking passing move however. Just because the ahead drivers gets a bit out of shape at times doesn’t give you an automatic right to pass uncontested by them or a right to room. You still have to judge if their error provides sufficient opportunity for a safe pass to take place.
O-5: Leading drivers have the right to choose any line down a straight. The leading driver may make one move to block the opposing car, and one move to return to the racing line before the next corner - Unless the opposing car has overlap.
O-6: Leading drivers have the right to take any line through a corner, unless an opposing car has overlap.
L-1: It is a fundamental rule of motorsport and sim racing that when a driver receives a blue flag, this is to let him know that a faster car is about to lap him.
L-2: The leading driver that is lapping the slower car must treat the situation as though he's overtaking a normal competitor - and not assume the lapped driver should leap out of the way at all costs.
L-3: The driver that is being lapped should let the lead driver past and/or not resist to be overtaken if the lead driver has sufficient overlap. Only move out of the way for a lapped car when you believe it is safe to do so. For example, not on the apex of a corner. R2R will heavily enforce Blue Flag intent and expect the utmost in courtesy from all drivers.
CT-1: Even if the above rules are adhered to at all times, contact between cars is always a possibility.
CT-2: If a driver has breached one of the Rules of Racing, and has resulted in contact and/or a time or position advantage. That driver must apologize, and forfeit his position to the affected driver. If the affected driver is unable to continue, sufficient action should be encouraged at the Server Admin's discretion.
CT-3: If a driver who has breached one of the Rules of Racing is most affected by the incident, he has no right to claim any form of position or compensation for this error.
CT-4: Behind drivers are expected to anticipate the possibility that leading drivers may have longer braking zones, and can make mistakes. Leading drivers should drive accordingly, always maintaining separation.
CT-5: The following driver has a responsibility to not run into the back of a leading driver. The leading driver does not have to try to avoid you. If all else fails, the following driver should run their own car off the track to avoid such a collision.
CT-6: Malicious or inappropriate braking or slowing is strictly prohibited.
After an Incident
AI-1: Any driver rejoining the track after a spin/crash/off has the responsibility of not driving into other competitors - regardless of position or situation. Being stuck on the barriers is regarded as a crash.
AI-2: On-track drivers at racing speed always have right of way over anyone returning to the track, even if the incident was not your fault.
AI-3: Your right of way does not exist until you are up to racing speed on-track.
AI-4: Always use your mirrors, look buttons and mini-map (if available) to check for oncoming traffic. Not doing so is highly dangerous.
AI-5: If a competitor's car has come to a halt on the track, either through spinning or crashing, then that driver must apply the brakes and not move whatsoever. This helps oncoming traffic find a route through the incident as a moving chicane is a lot harder to avoid and will result in a collision.
AI-6: The stationary driver must either spectate as soon as possible, or if safe to do so, return to racing speed once all oncoming traffic has passed.
AI-7: If a racer's car is severely damaged either through contact or a driver's own hardware, it is highly recommended that they retire as soon as possible. If, however, the driver attempts to return to the pit lane for repair, they should remain off the racing line at all times, and drive at a vastly reduced speed whilst being fully aware of approaching traffic.
AI-8: A damaged car recovering to the pits has no right of way whatsoever.
P-1: Cars on-track have right of way over any drivers entering or exiting the pit lane.
P-2: Drivers must keep within the pit exit line.
P-3: Cars on the pit driving lane have right-of-way over cars in, and coming out of, the pit stall lane.
P-4: When leaving the pit stall, drivers must join into the pit lane immediately unless there is oncoming traffic.
This series is based on Fun, Friends and Respect. With the races run on a daily basis, there is little time to review and then respond to appeals or protests. Here is what we will do:
A/P 1: During the race, admin will be watching all drivers. Obviously, we can not see everything all the time. As in real racing, we will penalize what we see and not what we don’t.
A/P2: If you have a problem with another driver or a rule and would like to bring it to our attention, please do so in the Daily Race section of our Forum. If your complaint is against another driver – we will watch that driver closely in the following races. If your complaint is about a rule or interpretation – we will gladly discuss it with you.
PN1: R2R will assign penalties as it see’s fit for any violation of all rules.
Not everyone has team speak or similar app and chatting during the race is not allowed, but Airio tracker offer you the possibility to chat privately, so it is recommended you configure your private chat list before the qualifications starts.
!pm +name (add racer to your private chat list, e.g. !pm +framaris, you can add nicknames or license names and as many as you want)
!pm -name (to remove a name from private chat list)
!pm chat text (to chat with your private group)
Get use to the function before the race so you don’t need to ask at the last minute, It is also nice to setup some keys to fast PM, e.g. !pm coming in pit next lap…
Also to avoid receiving too many Airio massages you can use the command !silent.