The online racing simulator

Posted by Framaris

Week 11

It was a great week for TBO with the easy AS2 which we have bookmarked on everyone's request, we had a special feature in the first corner which seems to have prevented the classic T1 divebombs.
GT2 was a bit slow last week with AS4r, so next week TBO will get a hard track with SO6r and GT2 a popular one with KY2r.

Our compliments to most of you last week, we've seen a lot of great and fun racing, the ambiance was great and it makes you forget those inevitable bad races.....
Also we have seen many new faces, it was nice to meet you guys!

Next Week
Monday: dailycious tbo/SO6r
Tuesday: dailycious gt2/KY2r
Wednesday: dailycious tbo/SO6r
Thursday: dailycious gt2/KY2r

Dailycious topic:
Dailycious Stats:
Dailycious replays:

Have fun and good luck!

PS: To those we sadly had to ban this week, don't take it personal, we are just trying to keep the place clean for all of us. We believe that bans works only if the racer change after it, so most bans were short, if you decide to come back, remember to be friendly, clean and respectful, we are all friends, so be one of us or don't come......(to check your ban length, just login to our servers, a message will be displayed)
PS2: If you are a beginner (we all were at some point in time), plz try to train when the server is less busy to avoid crashing races and getting banned, the community is very friendly, if you need ask for help and I am sure someone if not many will help you with setups and advises...say hello in our forum, so that we know who you are and what you are trying to achieve...