'Alternative Gaming' won the 24h race and DoP 2010 overall ranking!

The fourth victory in a row, 'aT' won the 24h race in Aston last weekend, two laps ahaed 'RAPTOR-GAMING'. 'aT' could celebrate a very well self-earned victory, based on quickness and a very good zero fault strategy! A really perfect raceday for Hillen and friends! At the end the hopefully opponent 'SNOGARD.Dragons' has had no chance for winning, placed only on six. So 'RAPTOR-GAMING' on two and the surprise over the whole series, the romanian team 'GTS Motorsport' on three. Well done!
The final DoP 2010 Tour GTR overall ranking:
1. 'Alternative Gaming'.
2. 'SNOGARD.Dragons'
3. 'GTS Motorsport'

'RAPTOR-GAMING', within a bit luck, on first!
We have seen a great Comeback. 'TEAM INACTIVE' with a very well experienced and popular driver crew were in front, towards five o' clock Sunday morning. By technical defects they lost their lead. So the N-GTR Team of 'RAPTOR GAMING' used this little bad luck for their own victory. At the end, a well done victory. On third the winner of the DoP 2010 'Xcite | Magical Doremi' Really nice!
The final DoP 2010 Tour N-GTR overall ranking:
1. Xcite | Magical Doremi
2. -[BC]- Comeback
3. eXtrem Racing

Big Win, Big 'Golden Ayer', the winning 24h LX6 team
How a really unkown team could become the fully attention has shown us the 'Golden Ayer'. Sorry for my english, it is really difficulty to translate the correct english sense of 'Golden Ayer'. So, excuse me. Back on track, they won the 24h in the LRF Class with a lead of five laps. Placed on two the memorable and honorable team of 'Concept Racing' with the FZ50! A really big race was done on three by 'Xcite OutOfControl'. Still in the fight with 'HoR' on fourth, but they got the overall ranking in this class. Very good!
The final DoP 2010 Tour LRF overall ranking:
1. HoR
2. Concept Racing LRF 2
3. -[BC]- LX6 Honks
Congratulations @all!

So, we have had a very good and exciting DoP 2010 competition with very delighted moments, emotional highlights and many special racing moments. But we have had also our first really bad moments, too. At first, a server crash in a 24h race. What a rough luck. But we managed that with your patience. Thx therefore! An updated tracker only one hour later, perfect! We had to take a team from the server, caused by massive bad behavior in the early moring hours. A really unlucky experience. But on balance, we have had during the whole DoP 2010 Tour even more than 50 Teams, more than 150 different drivers, many fans, visitiors and commentaries, many exciting hours, IP-TV, reports and last but not least - a very well competition - Thx at all.
All standings you need are here:
May be, next year again. Again, sorry for my english. It is not the best, but we try to keep you informed
Keep Racing, the B-Crew!

The fourth victory in a row, 'aT' won the 24h race in Aston last weekend, two laps ahaed 'RAPTOR-GAMING'. 'aT' could celebrate a very well self-earned victory, based on quickness and a very good zero fault strategy! A really perfect raceday for Hillen and friends! At the end the hopefully opponent 'SNOGARD.Dragons' has had no chance for winning, placed only on six. So 'RAPTOR-GAMING' on two and the surprise over the whole series, the romanian team 'GTS Motorsport' on three. Well done!
The final DoP 2010 Tour GTR overall ranking:
1. 'Alternative Gaming'.
2. 'SNOGARD.Dragons'
3. 'GTS Motorsport'

'RAPTOR-GAMING', within a bit luck, on first!
We have seen a great Comeback. 'TEAM INACTIVE' with a very well experienced and popular driver crew were in front, towards five o' clock Sunday morning. By technical defects they lost their lead. So the N-GTR Team of 'RAPTOR GAMING' used this little bad luck for their own victory. At the end, a well done victory. On third the winner of the DoP 2010 'Xcite | Magical Doremi' Really nice!
The final DoP 2010 Tour N-GTR overall ranking:
1. Xcite | Magical Doremi
2. -[BC]- Comeback
3. eXtrem Racing

Big Win, Big 'Golden Ayer', the winning 24h LX6 team
How a really unkown team could become the fully attention has shown us the 'Golden Ayer'. Sorry for my english, it is really difficulty to translate the correct english sense of 'Golden Ayer'. So, excuse me. Back on track, they won the 24h in the LRF Class with a lead of five laps. Placed on two the memorable and honorable team of 'Concept Racing' with the FZ50! A really big race was done on three by 'Xcite OutOfControl'. Still in the fight with 'HoR' on fourth, but they got the overall ranking in this class. Very good!
The final DoP 2010 Tour LRF overall ranking:
1. HoR
2. Concept Racing LRF 2
3. -[BC]- LX6 Honks
Congratulations @all!

So, we have had a very good and exciting DoP 2010 competition with very delighted moments, emotional highlights and many special racing moments. But we have had also our first really bad moments, too. At first, a server crash in a 24h race. What a rough luck. But we managed that with your patience. Thx therefore! An updated tracker only one hour later, perfect! We had to take a team from the server, caused by massive bad behavior in the early moring hours. A really unlucky experience. But on balance, we have had during the whole DoP 2010 Tour even more than 50 Teams, more than 150 different drivers, many fans, visitiors and commentaries, many exciting hours, IP-TV, reports and last but not least - a very well competition - Thx at all.
All standings you need are here:
May be, next year again. Again, sorry for my english. It is not the best, but we try to keep you informed

Keep Racing, the B-Crew!