After RD5, Tommy Ostgaard and Tiger Express Motorsports are comfortably leaders of the championship.
It remain 5 RD before to know the name of winners.
In drivers standing, Yann Laprevotte (TEM) is 2nd before Francky30 (Tech3R) and System (FSR).
And in teams standing, next to the TEM, there is FSR on 2nd place before Tech3r and... E Team !
There have been four different winners since first races.
M.Trollé, F.Bankhauser, T.Ostgaard and L.Matonis are the 4 lucky guys who won.
The next race will be on FE2.
Drivers standing :

Teams standing :
It remain 5 RD before to know the name of winners.
In drivers standing, Yann Laprevotte (TEM) is 2nd before Francky30 (Tech3R) and System (FSR).
And in teams standing, next to the TEM, there is FSR on 2nd place before Tech3r and... E Team !
There have been four different winners since first races.
M.Trollé, F.Bankhauser, T.Ostgaard and L.Matonis are the 4 lucky guys who won.
The next race will be on FE2.
Drivers standing :

Teams standing :