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Posted by germanpio

OWRL F1 2010: Quentin Benoît with a racewin back on top at mid-season

Before the drivers will start their summer break, they had to drive sixty laps at the Aston North circuit for the sixth round of this years’ OWRL F1 season. Adam Wisniewski led Quentin Benoît by two points which gave both a good chance to rest two months as the leader of the championship.

With Conquest Racing a new team has found its way into the league and with Mateusz Daszkiewicz, one of their drivers made it straightaway into the second qualifying segment. With Peter Hopkins on tenth position a retired driver made an appearance and made it into the second part just barely. Like in Q1, Adam Wisniewski set the fastest time to get pole-position in front of Quentin Benoît and Rob Logtenberg, who achieved the best starting position for Force Hungary so far.

When the red lights went out, Wisniewski already went a few feet forward which meant only one thing: Drive-through penalty! Benoît had to defend himself against Mika Raymond who came from fourth position, both touched each other but didn’t get any damage from it. Daszkiewicz used this to slip past Raymond on the inside line and was now in third position. Two hairpins later he attacked Benoît and was now behind Wisniewski in second position. Maciej Wójcik went on the grass while braking for the third hairpin and dropped five positions to tenth. The start went fine until the fast right-hander before the downhill chicane when Adrian Bakaj and Christian Rauch were side-by-side going into the turn. Both touched and slid onto the grass into a wall. Rauch bumped back on track against the car of Erwin Caffé, who didn’t have any chance to avid him. Both had to retire, Bakaj was barely able to make it back to the pits, but after another pit stop a lap later already ruined his race.

Next to Wójcik other drivers had to lose positions as well: Jarl Teien dropped within a few laps from seventh to sixteen, Sebastian Hutchinson had to suffer the same. While both stayed at the back for most of their race, Pasi Juvani was able to get back to fifth after a dropping a few positions as well. The same applied to Wójcik after his braking error in lap one, who was now just behind Juvani. Logtenberg had to say goodbye to his spot in the top five. Thanks to his loss of positions Peter Hopkins inherited the fifth position. Marcin Makalowski, the other driver of the new Conquest Racing Team, was able to improve from his starting position fifteen to the eighth place just before the first set of pit stops.

Wisniewski was clearly in front, but he failed to serve his penalty within three laps as the rules stated and that ended his race early with a disqualification. This led to a battle for the lead between Daszkiewicz, Benoît and Raymond. Benoît attacked Daszkiewicz in the fast part of the second sector, but with the loss of downforce he had to back off the throttle. Raymond took advantage of it and went past him and in turn ten Raymond started a surprise attack on Daszkiewicz. It looked like it was going to work, but he started moving to the outside and took Daszkiewicz with him, giving Benoît the inside line where he was able to overtake both for the lead.

Benoît stayed on track for the longest time before heading off to his first pit stop, therefore he could defend his lead against Daszkiewicz, who overtook Raymond on a pitstop that was just one lap later than the one of the latter. Between both Patrick Kreutz showed up for a short time, who started after a disappointing fourteenth starting position with a full fuel tank was shortly on third before making his late first pit stop. He continued on sixth behind Wójcik and Juvani. After two more retirements by Andras Szabó and Jarl Teien, Benoît could increase his lead to ten seconds while Daszkiewicz, Raymond and Wójcik were separated by three seconds each. Logtenberg could overtake Hopkins and Makalowski and was on seventh before everyone was preparing for the second and final pit stopps.

Wójcik was the first in the pits and just like Raymong he made a very long stop that separated them from Daszkiewicz and sent them into a battle with Juvani, who didn’t change his tyres and was now in front of Wójcik. Benoît and Daszkiewicz went to the pitsin the same lap and left without a change of the gap between them. After that the latter wasn’t able to keep up with the lap times of Benoît anymore, who then was on a lonely run to his second win of the season. Juvani didn’t change his tyres, as well as Kreutz, that saved them some time for the moment. At the back Hopkins had to retire from the race and Ian Maslen had to be satisfied with the last place after two pit stops in a row.

Juvani and Kreutz didn’t change tyres despite the fast turns. Both were penalized six laps before the chequered flag when at both cars the front left tyre blew up, Kreutz went also into the wall after that, which needed extra time to repair the car. Logtenberg was close enough and won two positions, that left him in fifth behind Wójcik, giving himself and his team a big boost in both championships. Juvani saved himself from Newcomer Makalowski as sixth into the finish. Las Ole Storhaug finished eighth, who drove an unconspicuous race and scored four points after winning two additional positions when Kreutz and Hutchinson had to stop again. The latter made his fourth pit stop but was able to overtake Kreutz before the end of the race.

Benoît won invulnerably in front of Mateusz Daszkiewicz, who finished second in his first race, and Mika Raymond, who is also starting in his second race so far. With the results Benoît leads the field into the summer break which lasts two months. The gap for Wisniewski to Benoît is 23 points big, but with the new points system such handicap could easily be erased very fast. In the Teams’ Championship Redline Racing took over the lead from SPDO Racing as well.

The summer break ends on 21 August when the second part of the season starts in Blackwood. This race will be broadcasted like the other races live on MultiBC.

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