This time will drive the only formula in LFS Demo version. Third stage is unique in that it will be a record number of laps (36). The track is very well known to our players in the tournament . Guess which one it is? Yes. It’s "Blackwood Grand Prix track (BL1). Some interesting information about track and the car. I would like to say that the track length is 3.8 km, and the world record on this track with FBM belongs Bawbag and he is 1:12:08. Talking of the car, it simulates the real Formula BMW which is also entitled racing series. Short this machine technical data: Driven by the rear wheels, engine 1.2-liter 4-cylinder and 140 hp, and its weight only about 400 kilograms. The tournament leading SW Kubeck R has 2 points of victory before the last race winner mad7318, but still nearly all pilots have the potential to win, but still I would like to recall that race is not only for the prize, but the good mood so I wish them all success and the next stage.
Track Blackwood Grand Prix(Bl1)
Laps 36
Date 2008 12 16
Time London: 19h
Madrid : 20 h
Stambul : 21h
Helsinki : 21h
Vilnius : 21h
Wind Low
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