Tiger Express Events and Tiger Express Motorsports are proud to announce the Tiger Express Z30 Festival. This new league aims to propose some racing on some of the new tracks opened by the brand new Z30 patch, in a fair, fun, but nevertheless formal athmosphere. A wide selection of cars will be used, from the STDs to the FO8.
Four of the events will consist in a 45 minutes race, one in two 20 minutes races. All of them will be held on Monday nights.
You must have LFS Z30, or a more recent test patch, in order to participate. However, the management reserves the right to request drivers to move on a more recent patch than Z30, if a new incompatible test-patch is released before the end of the season(especially if it contains qualifications/flags support).
Please refeer to this thread for track maps and layouts. FE25R and KY21 are not available yet.
Round 1: 16th May, STDs, FE25R*, 25
Round 2: 23rd May, FOX, AS24, 27
Round 3: 30th May, TBOs**, KY21***, 14/14
Round 4: 6th June, GTR****, AS11R, 36
Round 5: 13th June, FO8, KY33, 15
* FE23R with updated Turn 1. Final layout and map to be released.
** 4% intake restriction for the FXO
*** KY2 infield with the Turn 2 oval section. Final layout and map to be released.
**** 25kg ballast for the FZR
Go to this thread for sign-ups.