The season uses each of the three cars for two rounds in succession, one at a regular LFS track and one at an open layout. The first race of the season is one of the open layout races as the lights will turn green on Aston Classic, a combination of Aston National and Cadet.
# date: car track
R1 29-09: FBM Aston Classic (A32)
R2 13-10: FBM Fern Bay Gold
R3 27-10: FOX Westhill International rev
R4 10-11: FOX Kyoto North (K21)
R5 24-11: FO8 Aston Grand North (A71)
R6 08-12: FO8 Blackwood GP
Any drivers with a valid LFS license can join the events. To do so, you must have an account on www.owrl.de. Once you are a member on the site, you will need to register for each of the events you are planning to participate in. You can find the events under "Upcoming Events". You will also need to have a valid pb or hotlap time in order to be allowed to take part. For the open layout events we cannot check the PB online, so for those round you will need to set a time on the training server.
Season info