Be legend, but not alone. We will in invide you and the participants of our DoP Tour for several Special Training Events.
This is a good option to improve and train your skills in short races with different race cars.
Here are the details:
The BurnoutCrew:
From 11.11.2013 we start every Monday and Thursday till the 12-hour race of the DoP some traininig races
Cars: GTI TBO and LRF on the course of Blackwood GP (BL1 ) .
We hope to see many participation
Details for the race:
* dates: 11.11.2013 (14.11.2013, 18.11.2013, 21.11.2013)
* car class: GTI/TBO/LRF
* track: Blackwood GP [BL1]
* race-length: two Hours
* LfS-server: DoP - Grid 1
* password: DOPtrain
* training: from 18.00h until 20.00h (German time!)
* qualification: 20.00h until 20.15h (German time!) (15 min)
* start of the race: 20.20h (-+ 5 min, German time!)
* drivers: max. 32 on one server (In the case of more than 32 Driver, the field will be splitted onto 2 servers)
Please join us at BC TeamSpeak if you want to, there are specially created channels for each team.:
*Channel: DOP- PartyChannel (common)
Guest-starters are Gastfahrer are always welcome!