Competitors will be required to obtain at least 2 practice session credits prior to January 25th in order to participate in this event. This will ensure that competitors are of skill and knowlege proper for such an intense challenge.
New this year will be a crash deterrent. Any vehicle with damage enough to drive their suspension up to the full marker in any of the categories shown on the F10 menu will be removed from the race with crash damage. This will give drivers more incentives to avoid crashes, reduce their commonality, and reduce their violence.
We also plan on exploring some other ideas over the course of the practice sessions such as requiring R2 tires only in order to reduce the ability of single drafting groups to break away from the rest of the field. Full race rules will be posted once a package has been decided upon by Worldwide Racing.
This event is currently planned to be a stand alone event, but may be added into a short season of some sort if interest in it is appropriate.