The first Race is over. With 20 Racer's the qualification has startet. Riddi showed that he hasn't choosen the number one without reason, with three tenths in front of n!krfm he set the poleposition. The other times and positions can be looked up here.

Then the race startet, luckily there weren't any big crashes. At the front Riddi pulled a gap from some second's within the first laps to Redline|Rudolf and n!krfm. After 45, short minutes before the first pitstops were expectet, n!krfm could overtake Riddi but he hadn't gained enough time to come out of the pits in front of him, because the FXR stays shorter in pit's due lower fuel usage. After a mistake from n!krfm, Redline|Rudolf had a good chance to place second at the end of the race, but he hadn't done his drivethrough penalty for enetering the pits to fast though he couldn't pit and had to end the race.
After everybody had done their second pit stop Riddi was still leading the race, n!krfm was second and there was a intense battle over more then 30 minutes for the third place between [BR]Morphy and UER!Diablo. [BR]Morphy has won this battle and completes the first Podium of the season. You can find the complete statistics of the race here.
Visit the UTCM Website for further information

Then the race startet, luckily there weren't any big crashes. At the front Riddi pulled a gap from some second's within the first laps to Redline|Rudolf and n!krfm. After 45, short minutes before the first pitstops were expectet, n!krfm could overtake Riddi but he hadn't gained enough time to come out of the pits in front of him, because the FXR stays shorter in pit's due lower fuel usage. After a mistake from n!krfm, Redline|Rudolf had a good chance to place second at the end of the race, but he hadn't done his drivethrough penalty for enetering the pits to fast though he couldn't pit and had to end the race.
After everybody had done their second pit stop Riddi was still leading the race, n!krfm was second and there was a intense battle over more then 30 minutes for the third place between [BR]Morphy and UER!Diablo. [BR]Morphy has won this battle and completes the first Podium of the season. You can find the complete statistics of the race here.
Visit the UTCM Website for further information