From April to November the third OWRL F1 will run for the third time. The season consists of thirteen races in a bi-weekly schedule with a summer recess of two months. Three races will be held under sunset conditions
Prior to the season we organized two test races to see if we may forbid traction control but the admins decided to stick with 2008 rules and to allow traction control. One of many reasons was that the car was built to have it and to keep it real, we decided to leave things as they are. However we enforced a new rule that we use now realnames in the OWRL F1.
Again we want teams to participate with two drivers per race. Teamless and interested drivers can take part for a team that cannot start with two drivers by contacting a driver of that team. Also temporary teams only for OWRL F1 may be formed to take part. Teams can now apply by sending us a mail to "[email protected]". Applications are open until Tuesday, 24 March 23:00 UTC. After that we will decide which teams will take part. Your application should contain the exact teamname and LfSworld names of at least two drivers that will drive during the season. Teams are allowed to change drivers between races.
11. Apr AS GP
25. Apr WE International Rev (sunset)
9. May KY National Rev
23. May SO Long
6. Jun BL GP (sunset)
20. Jun AS North Rev
04. Jul FE Black
summer recess
5. Sep KY National
12. Sep BL GP Rev
26. Sep SO Long Rev (sunset)
10. Okt WE International
24. Okt AS GT Rev
7. Nov KY GP (UTC+1/MEZ)
time table (UTC+2/MESZ)
19:30 - 19:45 Qualifying Part 1
19:50 - 20:00 Qualifying Part 2
20:05 Race (305km)