The online racing simulator

Posted by hanzime

[WCL] J.Katila wins 1st Race of the season

Last Sunday saw the first race of our new season 12, based this year on touring cars only, with the nibble XFG front wheel car on the twisty track of Aston Cadet as the hors d'oeuvre. We were glad to welcome some of our regular contestants but also a couple of new comers who made this race very competitive. We also took the opportunity to welcome Salatoimic as our new working admin, following the health issues that Slo-Scatter had to face this summer. We send to Slo-Scatter all our wishes for a fast and complete recovery. Same wishes go to Slo-Knukkle who had a severe motorcycle accident this summer and who will not be able to join us this season too. Get better guys !
This also means that this year, we will have to rely more on your comments and complains rather than the full comprehensive reviews that Scatters used to do. If you have any complains regarding the race, please email them to [email protected] within the next 48h after the race.

Read full race report here :