The online racing simulator

Live for Speed S3, version 0.7E to 0.7F Changelog

Changes from 0.7E to 0.7F:

AI Racing Interface:

New update available is shown on entry screen
Auto updater page is clearer and simpler to use
Hosting locations are downloaded instead of hard coded
Updated translations - thanks to our community translators

Mods screen:

New button to show your own mods
Switch on multiple vehicle type filters
Filters for drive type (none/RWD/FWD/AWD)
New sort options power/mass/power-weight ratio
X button beside text filters stops text entry

Support for approved mods:

Tick (check mark) is shown in mods screen for approved mods
- also TW is shown for tweak mods and padlock for private mods
An 'external link icon' is visible when two columns are displayed
Rating stars pulsate in garage if you have not yet rated the mod
A WIP filter is available on the mod selection screen

Controller input range:

The full resolution reported by the controller is now supported
- previously drivers were instructed to report -1000 to 1000
- controllers we tested report values 0 to 65535 (smaller steps)
The range adjusters in controller options now use percentage values
- the range defaults replicate previously default in-game behaviour
- previously brake/throttle/handbrake/clutch axes had a dead zone
- the dead zones were not adjustable by the user but now are
- the axes visible in game now match the options screen


Decreased CPU used when drawing tyres
- reduces CPU used by official GTR cars by around 7%
- smaller optimisation for suspension parts
Combine rim and spoke object into a single subobject
- saves 4 extra subobject switches for most cars
An optimisation specially for external views
- avoid begin/end scene when drawing env maps/shadows
Tiny opt when drawing driver (avoid some integer maths)
Tiny opt (set projection matrix only once per frame)

Local text commands:

/rtex does a full texture reload from any screen
FIX: Multiple commands now allow more than 1 space between commands

Multiplayer commands:

/setstops USERNAME Y :set user's number of stops to Y
/specdnf specifies number of stopped seconds before DNF
- this is activated when a stopped car blocks a result confirmation
- default value is 12 (was 8 in the past) and range is 0 to 240


Improved handling of UDP packets not reaching the host
- list of Hosts comes direct from the master server (no pinging)
- you can connect even if host does not receive your UDP packets
Mark host as favourite and sort by favourites in list of hosts
Sort by server location (two-letter country code) column
FIX: Multiplayer hosts used to get stuck after 49.7 days
FIX: JOOS on connect when a car, now disallowed, is on track
FIX: Old version could sometimes fail to spectate a blocking car


Layout Square cameras now have 40m height instead of 4m
Reduced jiggling of names above cars at extreme zoom
Improved accuracy of camera rotation at extreme zoom
FIX: New steer animation for BF1 stops driver toes protruding


NLP/MCI packets are no longer sent after clicking replay slider
- also not sent after IS_RIP unless RIPOPT_FULL_PHYS is set
IS_IPB / TINY_IPB - set / get list of IP bans
FIX: Minor documentation errors in InSim.txt


Unlock screen requires "unlock" to keep any changes
- if already unlocked the unlock count is unaffected