The online racing simulator

Live for Speed, Graphics Progress Report: South City

Hello Racers,

In our July progress report we talked about the realtime sky that allows day to night transitions and showed screenshots of the Kyoto track area. Since then, Eric has been working on South City and Scawen has continued with the lighting. More roads have been opened up and you can drive into the multistorey car parks. Road surfaces, fences, barriers, objects and various buildings have been updated. There is still a way to go but we would like to show you some of the changes so far.

  • -8925484 23628201 60235 -13828 1095 0.0 60.0
  • 14077507 16908792 292425 -28264 400 0.0 60.0
  • -14442140 14852304 417531 23438 1117 0.0 60.0
  • 17088642 -12386515 292580 -16417 1106 0.0 60.0
  • -18276132 1322180 1218970 -18023 794 0.0 60.0
  • -23034990 22742583 202325 -20021 -858 0.0 60.0
  • 27782348 -31897841 129871 -18561 216 0.0 60.0
  • -30496988 31205274 170782 -2086 -492 0.0 40.0

With realistic brightness values, the difference between night and day is very extreme. For example a shot taken in street lighting may need around 4000 times the exposure of a daylight shot. To compare LFS with real photos we have a manual exposure mode with the same settings as a digital camera. In normal use, exposure and white balance are automatically controlled.

  • -11141355 12703968 526918 27966 995 0.0 60.0
  • -11143936 12682783 528733 27966 995 0.0 60.0
  • -35996845 34493326 494099 5879 -65 0.0 60.0
  • -35997952 34495069 494083 5879 -65 0.0 60.0

A bloom effect has been added for the High Dynamic Range (HDR) mode. This spreads the light out from the brightest points in the image, to simulate the similar effect that happens in a camera or your eyes. In game this helps bright lights or the sun to look a lot brighter.

  • -10864758 37915064 102273 21005 476 0.0 40.0
  • lfs_00001064
  • lfs_00001067
  • lfs_00001068

Some recent updates: The sky is now generated on the graphics card, saving CPU time. The sky is updated more than twice per minute around sunset and sunrise. Sun brightness and colour is more accurate. Our shaders have been updated to allow better sky reflections on surfaces that are not perfectly smooth. Headlights now illuminate nearly all objects including other cars.

  • -12381876 38207571 105850 17490 206 0.0 40.0
  • -13191273 39134168 127732 9842 447 0.0 60.0
  • 16286359 142203 224199 3897 463 0.0 40.0
  • -18024110 -865549 445462 -24432 1942 0.0 60.0
  • -21009043 13282462 791444 22270 1208 0.0 40.0
  • -34374910 15070180 1115050 -23198 1595 0.0 40.0
  • lfs_00001065
  • lfs_00001066

We hope you like the pictures and videos!

- LFS Developers

Further reading: Graphics Progress Report: South City - part 2