The online racing simulator

Live for Speed, Graphics Progress Report: South City - part 3

Hello Racers,

It has been a while so we'd like to tell you what we've been doing and some plans. You may have been expecting a report about Fern Bay. But Eric had so many ideas for new ways to link up roads at South City he wasn't ready to stop. The result: more roads and variety than any of us had expected!

  • 7190845 -13117559 677097 -26073 -107 0.0 27.7
  • 6025342 10604797 592258 -643 -523 0.0 70.7
  • 2200993 35698103 199579 -14812 -123 -0.0 70.7
  • 65495900 -59959620 768743 -22509 358 0.0 80.2

You can now continue straight on over the bridge near the pit lane exit and join a dual carriageway that goes all the way round the old South City and meets the existing dual carriageway, past the multi-storey car park, over the old roundabout and out of town. At the end you can turn right and follow another big road that goes around the old unfinished industrial area and encloses a new park which has its own internal road.

  • 7056515 30525337 379389 32622 892 0.0 60.0
  • -32510651 73122135 831312 16504 -157 0.0 40.0
  • -64477939 86844253 563095 -841 204 0.0 40.0
  • 68228144 -61560449 1415984 15432 1075 0.0 20.0

From there you can drive back round to more new roads linking up with the older part of South City where a lot more roads have been made driveable. It's hard to describe but here are some more screenshots and a video.

  • 58397365 -82275379 184109 16800 42 0.0 30.0
  • 7619680 -34445117 120019 24016 799 0.0 60.0
  • -47392487 45663041 665117 17206 256 0.0 60.0
  • 86173268 -75773931 317135 -22460 355 0.0 60.0

All this takes a long time and there are still holes to fill and buildings to complete in the new areas. But Scawen has also had a lot to do on the programming side. Since the public update 0.6V in February, he has tried to finish things in the lighting system. As one example, we now have a new lightmap for cars, other moving objects and layout objects. It makes use of the occlusion octree, described in our previous report, that covers all the driveable areas. Now it has been extended to provide directional lighting information for the sky and artificial lights.

  • -13815649 40012408 227540 9002 1 -0.0 70.7
  • -11060536 9607964 852488 30640 970 0.0 52.8
  • -60398798 92945804 922102 18116 -13 -0.0 12.3
  • 7422376 -4280458 1912786 -30452 2389 0.0 90.0

We want the community to have the new version so we are trying to get to that point as quickly as possible. To do that, some things we want to do can wait until after the release. For the first version, Eric plans to focus on finishing South City and Kyoto while Scawen works on the tyre physics. Fern Bay and further graphical improvements can be done after the big update.

  • 97815949 -65400330 596379 -18759 -21 0.0 25.0
  • -3423399 -48614170 428894 26782 234 0.0 60.0
  • 94590959 -66833854 1146018 -19973 487 0.0 21.6
  • 65122504 -82295200 201068 23482 479 0.0 71.3
  • 22530046 -31193046 833830 -20629 306 0.0 71.3
  • 18929739 15437682 2036149 -6447 2036 0.0 72.0
  • -4580045 3070116 889866 4385 721 0.0 90.0
  • -64216905 52107246 864317 -32565 418 0.0 80.2

We hope you like the pictures and video!

- LFS Developers

Further reading: 20th Anniversary (August 2022)