The online racing simulator
#1 - Dru
LFS News Report
#2 - mr_x
good news we're getting some publicity. Also good to know it's a recognised league too
Nice work guys.
I also got admin there so, if Tweak is unavailable.
Just get a new report to me and i can post it for ya's
#4 - Dru
Quote from Arrow. :Nice work guys.
I also got admin there so, if Tweak is unavailable.
Just get a new report to me and i can post it for ya's

Will do that - thanks for the offer
#5 - Dru
As we may well get a race write up for each round (similar to the one on the front page at the moment) I would like to add some comments from the drivers that took place, therefore pre-warning you all that i shall try and get a comment or two from the top three finishers in each race to find out how the race went for you, what you were pleased with or disapointed with etc etc to give a better feel to the race reports.

Also we would be looking and possibly doing some renders of race winners etc, as well as continuing with Postcards from series, if people would like me to continue doing them?

Best Regards,

Quote from Dru :
Also we would be looking and possibly doing some renders of race winners etc, as well as continuing with Postcards from series, if people would like me to continue doing them?

if you don't continuing making postcards, i am sure that ther will be many May-Hem Racers who want to kick you! These postcards are realy great!
#7 - Dru
Quote from TFalke55 :if you don't continuing making postcards, i am sure that ther will be many May-Hem Racers who want to kick you! These postcards are realy great!

I better make sure i carry on making them then XD
Any other news reports? Or is it too much work .

LFS News would like to stay consistent with league news.
#9 - Dru
Quote from Tweaker :Any other news reports? Or is it too much work .

LFS News would like to stay consistent with league news.

Hey Tweaker,

It's been far too hectic around here recently to do anything that is not 'absolutely necc' for the races i'm afraid.

We have our season finale on Thursday.

What say after that race i'll do a review of the championship with pictures of the league winners for you etc etc - that would make sense

