The online racing simulator
Linux ingame screenshot
(11 posts, started )
Linux ingame screenshot
I was playing with some linuxes on a vmware and after a few hours i wanted to see what the effect is to have lfs on linux...
Attached images
lfs wine.jpg
lol? 1.7fps that sucks
That's wrong, seeing LFS works perfectly usually in WINE.
Quote from windstyle :I was playing with some linuxes on a vmware and after a few hours i wanted to see what the effect is to have lfs on linux...

lol vmware.. theres your problem
Quote from teedot :lol vmware.. theres your problem

oh ok lol gona check if my drivers are suported under linux then i might install it as my os
the mirrors are......sideways
*points to speedo* "well, there's your problem!
Quote from windstyle :oh ok lol gona check if my drivers are suported under linux then i might install it as my os

well, that's also you're problem, there aren't drivers for linux for vmwares, "technically". since it's virtual machine, the HAL supporting it is also virtual, so you'll never get any performance out of it for any games.

if you had a dedicated linux box, then yes, under WINE it would run fine.

just in case, for those that don't know what vmware is, or what a virtual machine is, go here.
Quote from burnsy1882 :well, that's also you're problem, there aren't drivers for linux for vmwares, "technically". since it's virtual machine, the HAL supporting it is also virtual, so you'll never get any performance out of it for any games.

if you had a dedicated linux box, then yes, under WINE it would run fine.

just in case, for those that don't know what vmware is, or what a virtual machine is, go here.

There might be a misunderstanding... I ment that I was going to see if my graphical drivers are supported for linux, then I might install linux as my "main" os, so i get rid of vista
#10 - a99
Quote from windstyle :I was playing with some linuxes on a vmware and after a few hours i wanted to see what the effect is to have lfs on linux...

What a nice graphics? o_O
I am running LFS in cedega, and there is ~100fps with maximal graphics.
Quote from a99 :What a nice graphics? o_O
I am running LFS in cedega, and there is ~100fps with maximal graphics.

Wich version of cedega?
By the way, Wine is good for emulating LFS and without tweaking it, you can get a good result.

For all those who want to try it remember to disable the haze effect. This graphic glitch can be cause by this.

Quote from a99 :What a nice graphics? o_O
I am running LFS in cedega, and there is ~100fps with maximal graphics.

100 fps is useless if your monitor don't support it. Limiting to 70~75fps would be a greater deal imo.

Linux ingame screenshot
(11 posts, started )