The online racing simulator
Hello From the ATC Team
(6 posts, started )
Hello From the ATC Team
I would like to give a fantastic Hello and well done to the LFS Devs on behalf of the Whole ATC Team.

The ATC Team is (from what i know) known as a good fair team in LFS and often hold public endurence races.

Feel free to check us out.

ATC Also has ties with the Clean Racers club which can be found at

Have some great races everybody.

Regards ATC Franky500
Atc Team Hello
Hello from ATC Stoney
Hello from ATC Pickaxe!!!
im tired, from atc v4
A little late as usual, but better late than never? eh?

uhm, Hi!!
Quote from MyBoss :A little late as usual, but better late than never? eh?

uhm, Hi!!

could be worse. you could have posted late in the wrong section...

Hello From the ATC Team
(6 posts, started )