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S3 licensed

S3 licensed
Quote from -YR-BDINGU :If we do not get any of those 4, the only changes will probably be textures, because i am a texture artist.

S3 licensed
Oh SNAP!!! :Eyecrazy: :chair:
S3 licensed
How about do not make new threads everytime when you get banned, just change server and learn from your mistakes
S3 licensed
152 laps Fe Green rev with LX6
If we count random racing on server and not only one long race, then it's 63 hours Man I miss old good days
S3 licensed
S1: 4.58GB (14.443 files)
S2: 3.51GB (7345 files)
S3 licensed
Quote from Clownpaint :..I was quite far ahead of the WR until the final corner..

Quite far ahead like 0.00000000000000000000000000000001s?
S3 licensed
bah wings and fwd, no thanks
S3 licensed
Some old concept pics
Oh and that blurred pic is not suppouse to look realistic, it's just test pic

S3 licensed
Quote from Dygear :And clown still wonders why he's never gotten laid. Could it have something to do with the fact that you insult evey girl you meet?

Are you sure he leaves it to only girls?
S3 licensed
Quote from tristancliffe :The dSRC crowd are very much 'into' their 7z compressions, so we'll have to get used to their incompatibilities

Hey ssshhhh! Only a few of us using that, not everyone!

S3 licensed
So what was the point after all of this?

S3 licensed
Hyvvöö Jooloa! / Merry Christmas!

S3 licensed
[ nose ]
S3 licensed
What?? only 72 hours?? :bigeyes2: :weeping: :cry: :worried:

S3 licensed
Quote from KiDCoDEa :if you die, plz make sure "lfs" and its url gets on the papers. thx in advance


S3 licensed
IF you get it recognised by guiness, I'm in whatever it takes

S3 licensed
Quote from V8-Supercar :More LOL!

Do you really think I’m going to listen to an ego tripped manager with his sunglasses on, I don’t think so. And regarding changing my status? I’ve already answered that to another gentleman.

However I’ve been an outspoken person for many a decade, and be dammed if I will change that now, so until you take of your sunglasses, I suggest you shut up!

More Love On Line!

I love you too man :lovies:

Hmm lets get into flaming... :hbomb:

Quote from V8-Supercar :
I suggest you shut up!

No you shut up! -Conan O'Brien :drugs:

S3 licensed
kids kids kids :huepfenic :clapclap:

Funny threads just keeps coming.. illepall

S3 licensed
Quote :On the back of the sales and critical success of FlatOut, Empire Interactive and Bugbear Entertainment are taking the mayhem to maximum with FlatOut 2 in Summer 2006 on PlayStation 2, Xbox and PC.

S3 licensed

Cross Racing Championship
FlatOut 2
Mercedes Benz World Racing
Squadra Corse Alfa Romeo
World Racing 2
Xpand Rally
and real killer Race Driver 3

What's wrong with these ppls illepall

S3 licensed
Quote from DratsaB :
I wouldnt ram some one who looked like they where driving proper laps


Quote from huxorator :Oh, yes you're right. Imagine one day you don't get your corner right and crash into a wall - who is paying you a new wheel? The Dev team as they didn't put tires in front of the wall to bounce you off?

If someone rests his chin on the wheel ... that's his decision, but it's his own risk.

If someone likes to tie his p3n1s to the wheel and it gets stretched to double length, it's his own risk (although he might enjoy it).

You simply cannot hold other people responsible for your FF hardware movements.


mmm I love that word :boing:

S3 licensed
Just simple...

Second monitor is normally used just for IRC

S3 licensed
Haha sladi, first that hardcore shifter and now those, what next?

S3 licensed
