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S2 licensed
Quote from Krane :Come on, it was 20 posts ago, who remembers things that far back

actually 17 posts ago. Still an ancient history...

edit* anyway since i forgot the subject we were talking about i post some pics:

" alt="" onload="imageAutoSize(this)" />
S2 licensed
Quote from Mustangman759 :Could be cuz u got amerikan version

I don't know why origin thinks it is american fifa, cd is scandinavian version(?)... something to do with pre-loading perhaps...
S2 licensed
Okay i think I have runned into most ridicilous fix so far....All i needed to do was to create another admin account without special characters to my windows 7. Somehow it seemed that Fifa didn't like my accountnames first letter "Ü" therefor crashed everytime on loadingscreen, and EA had no idea why game has been crashing so far....
S2 licensed
Quote from [RCG]Boosted :played W:ET instead back in days of the old CS parts

Same here
S2 licensed
Intel core 2 quad q9400...
S2 licensed
nope, didn't try demo on pc (tried it on friends ps3), unplugging controller doesn't work. Changing the aspect ratio didn't work. Also checking the "rea only" in the "replay0.bin" properities got me through loading screen but it wont let me save...and when i try to contineu without saving the game crashes again...and EA still doesn't do anything about it. There are tons of people with the same problem...seriously EA?
S2 licensed
Okay, im getting a slightly upset now, my game crashes at loading screen, 0 help from EA so far also....
S2 licensed
oh, got my game today and damn origin won't let me play, since it is going to be released on 28th
S2 licensed
and pay 7 € more? i'm not that desperate yet
I've pre-ordered from the store anyway, no way back now.
S2 licensed
Quote from Bmxtwins :Tomorrow :d

arrives 28th to the mainstore in estonia and to my city probably the day I have to wait until saturday.
S2 licensed
Quote from töki (hun) : i'm waiting for assetto corsa instead.

S2 licensed
Im eating the sake of food...
S2 licensed
-0.2 was my best.
S2 licensed
Nice, good luck!
S2 licensed
S2 licensed
he's drunk.
S2 licensed
Quote from hazaky :This.

Does anybody happen to know the song name?

Spooky - Belong (Prankster Bootleg Edit)

edfit* currently listening...
Last edited by -NightFly-, .
S2 licensed
Quote from Speed Senna :Beware CheerioDM.

there you go:
Quote from USRacer :animal cruelty, no?

Last edited by -NightFly-, .
S2 licensed
I think it's the habbit that outwheights the addiction on my case...ofcourse I do feel the need to smoke every now and then (the more the times moves foward, the less i feel ofcourse) but it's the inner strenght that does the job, if you don't have it... it's pretty useless to to even try imo. I don't say I'll be never smoking again just in case, but i try...i think month is a pretty strong achievement already and a good reason enough to feel positive about it. And I think that amazes me most is the way i feel myself after leaving it: I feel less tired, less (actually none so far) headaches and several other health issueas have dissappeared...worth to try imho. Though my gf still smokes it does not bother me somehow...
Last edited by -NightFly-, .
S2 licensed
Quote from e2mustang :you're smoking since 6 years old?

since 16 (regularly). Quit around a week before 27th birthday.
Last edited by -NightFly-, .
S2 licensed
Quote from matijapkc :YOLO!

+1 I got addicted to that crap too... You just can't quit if you don't have someone to support and a good enough reason.

well I just did...been smoking for then years and thought it would be nice number to keep it thatway...almost a month without smoking now.
S2 licensed
Quote from J@tko :Also works if you put your head a long way from the screen, but cool!

S2 licensed
pre-pre ordered for pc yesterday.

also 1 more of these because of football: