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S2 licensed
Quote from el pibe :
TL;DR - if you want a nice and reliable phone out of the box, get an iphone.

if you want something better, go get something else that runs on android or windows.

anyway it's each on their own, I prefer android aswell just because i feel more comfortable with it (have also had an iphone for a while, sold it though), iphone seems a bit too simplyfied and too mainstream for my eyes. Not saying that android is better or iPhone is better, it's up to taste afterall.
S2 licensed
Quote from The Very End :Who is that handsome devil?

OMFG! You have never seen cobra 11?
S2 licensed
Quote from dawesdust_12 :Mark my words. Next summer there will be a PC/PS4/XB1 release of GTAV.

If so, they have lost a customer, i'm definately going to pirate by then, because fck you rockstar for not caring your PC players. I am actually ready to buy the game within this year....but next summer, nope. Fck you for going out on money only. Drunk&pissed/over&out.
S2 licensed
Quote from tristancliffe :So I prefer the iphone simple because it's simpler,

...well android is not exactly a rocketscience either.
S2 licensed
S2 licensed
Quote from e2mustang :was it your girlfriend?

lol...actually it was one of these(do not know how are they called in english, sorry):

Last edited by -NightFly-, .
S2 licensed
Quote from wheel4hummer :I know the reason the twin towers fell: Gravity.

That explains it all!
S2 licensed
Quote from [RF]-art555 :Wrong cheatcode...

I know that feeling, i've lost something relatevly big from behind my car once in the center of the town. Wouldn't wan't to go through that again...
S2 licensed
Quote from bose321 :the video must be fake, because apple users are well-educated people and they carefully choose new products.

S2 licensed
a what?
S2 licensed
Quote from nikopdr :pft, that's nothing.

mine has a stunning build quality and it also has 2 cameras. it doesn't need a wrist band as i've got a velcro strip embedded on my hand to keep it stable.

You just ruined a perfectly good joke.
S2 licensed
Gamespot posted this: GTA V map
Last edited by -NightFly-, .
S2 licensed
Quote from Litro :...

Mitte munnigi ei saa aru!
S2 licensed
S2 licensed
Just a matter of pressing the right buttons if the hell is about to break loose. itś either that or nothing at all. company like that can be terrorised to bankrupt if needed.
S2 licensed
Track project?
S2 licensed
Dustin, Dustin... can´t be so naive
Its easy to lift off fault from appleś shoulders if things should come to public one day and blame NSAlike organisations. After all apple is just another electronic company, murica couldn´t care less if they have higher bets on stake than just apples good name...just a drop in the ocean.
Last edited by -NightFly-, .
S2 licensed
Quote from Franky.S :

for any serious FPS games its so easy for my thumb to slip.

serious FPS games and controllers DO NOT MIX goddammmit!
S2 licensed
They demolish buildings all over the world thatway, what's the conspiracy here?
S2 licensed
their dubstep song was also brilliant: [someone like me , been looking for a new hit from them.