That was not my type of movie for sure...yeh it was somewhat entertaining few times but mostly annoyingly strange comedy. Thank god I didn´t have to pay for watching that.
I drive a van daily also and I find it rather wierd to plant a windows to somewhere they arent beeing placed originally. And that is actually for a reason... They have no use most of the time anyway since there´s shatloads of stuff back there. I´m rather sure i would have been robbed several times over the years by now if i had windows on my cargospace. Also i can easily see whats going on behind me thanks to great sidemirrors, wich makes maneuvering van easier than a familycar. can´t see directly behind but that is irrelevant anyway since tailgating someone is forbidden by law here. if he decides to smash in, it´s his own problem and fault anyway. Also even if i had rear windows i could not see the biker anyway thanks to the height.