Friend of mine is service manager in a company, a job opened up there, over 150 CV's arrived, 50 of them were mothers and they were the first ones to be eliminate from the list because of that. Every single group/race has been discriminated in one way or another.
And just a quick note* If anyone should even consider joining us,
be warned of our entry requirements and rather long trial period/waiting list...
as an example: it took 4 years for the Moose to be finally a radical (proof).
Well yeah, person sure is a moron because he happends to have a different taste of the movies
Yeh a friend of mine is a total horror movies fan, he told that he wouldn't classify this as a horror movie but it was something he had never seen before.
From time to time some events keep me dragging back to lfs also, though i´m also not that active anymore , I still can feel the reason why i fell in love with it...
I'm still not there but might be getting soon if i don't do something about it (currently trying to prevent that fatness stuff coming), but yeah, hair are slowly starting to migrate from my head to my back...