It seems there is no default one for UF1 right now.
Dunno if it's on purpose or some new "feature" (never had an empty folder) but you can already get some on my main post (...or anywhere else, well "almost" anywhere).
A bunch of Twingo 2 RS sets are on my to-do list for UF1 and XFG maybe (some variants & tweak-friendly).
It's not like the RB4 was newer and had higher polygons count... (but still manage to be driven 5 times more).
What's the point of an electric car in LFS (sounds like "full-auto" on 4 wheels anyway)?
-Launch LFSLazy or LFS itself (same result with dialogue box).
-Is the Dashboard feature (left column) enabled?
edit: just in case, when in-game, open the editor (/o dash) & click open folder (upper right) and check if there is a [car name].cfg before you enable dashboard.
Last point, do you use the ones embedded with Lazy?
Just asking if there's another following test patch, could you (if possible) change a little thing on the dash editor?
In the "text" tab, just add a line to allow us to display or not the units for "distance" & "total distance" like for speedo.