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S2 licensed
Yes, I have the same problem. Especially in XRG and XRT.
Last edited by ADX.14, .
S2 licensed
Thanks STB and Crashgate3 for comments. I totally agree with you Souvlaki about one-sided gas cap, and partially agree with you Crashgate3 on the pitcrew priority.

I'll try to be more explanatory. ATM, fuel tank cap (FTC) is a must. This is not a ignorable part of car entirety. However opening/closing option should be a plus furthermore. That's why I expressed "Maybe....". As you know LFS has step by step development route. Till the implementing pitcrew in LFS, we must wait a very very long time. Thus the option I've suggested for is only a little step toward pitcrew and pitstopping complexity like as my other pitstop suggestion threads. FTC herein is an indicator of fuel tank and we can fuelling without fuel tank as now. Obviously this is a contradiction. So, pilot can open or close FTC from inside the car while pitstopping. But we need FTC first.
S2 licensed
Thank you Eric.
"Fuel Tank Cap"
S2 licensed
Fuel tank caps was not modelled on all cars in LFS. Those are the part of car body and most of skins are far from being alternative. Thus, I hope this feature will be implemented in LFS. Maybe the gas caps would be opened while pitstopping, and closed after pit exit.

On the other hand, race direction will bring about a turmoil. Left/right one sided gas caps should be placed opposite side according to clockwise while pitting in reverse tracks.

Some related threads:
S2 licensed
As a single player I can say Z22 works very well. Thanks Scawen.

The traction control indicator in FZ5 is blinking when the gear shifting up such as rev light. But I'm not sure this is a bug.

And just curious.. The number of wheel nuts in XR road cars has been increased. Will it be affect the pitstop timing in comparison with race cars?
Pit Directives in sound base: Team Radio
S2 licensed
The connection between pilot and pit team via team radio is a part of the racing world. So why shouldn't be in LFS?

Some team directive and congrats examples:

- "Save your front/rear tyres. Overheated, repeating ...."
- "Team is ready for fuelling in next lap...."
- "Fantastic job. Well done, well done...."

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For more fun and more realism..
S2 licensed
Another Schuppor's collectible.. Thanks for sharing.
S2 licensed
I think, all questions should be answered via SusProg3D. Obviously, the program gives comprehensive solutions for all suspension types. Maybe, Scawen will check out this.
S2 licensed
Thank you all devs. I'm glad to see that the momentum of LFS will burst in all manner.
Split Second Timer at Pitstops
S2 licensed
The pitstop timer works integerly and LFS deserves better than this. In the name of realistic scene, we need more precise pitstop timer via 1/100 of a second as like as lap times.
S2 licensed
Quote from aimbottle :Yes, it's easily possible to do that in LFS. You just need to install the iZ3D driver and put on your red/cyan glasses and you'll be able to play LFS in 3D. I already tried that, but it's just not nice to look at for a long time. If you really want to play LFS in 3D, without getting a serious headache, I think you need the new Nvidia glasses with the matching monitor.

Thanks for the info.

Quote from breadfan : might be what you are looking for

I got the message.
Is it really possible LFS 3D?
S2 licensed
I've been thinking any possibility of 3D glasses in LFS for a while. After a google search I found this : "OLYMPUS POWER3D"

It is a kit package. The aim is enhancing 3D view environment for standard LCD monitors. This product is sold only at Japanese domestic market. Maybe Japanese friends could be tested this product and share their experiments.

If you have a 3D glasses, try the following link:

Comments please..
S2 licensed
Absolutely masterwork. Thanks AKIRA. I'm positive that these ones should be placed in LFS menu screens. BTW, any possibilities for higher resolution?
S2 licensed
My vote is yes. I loved the idea.
S2 licensed
Quote from carey :I really liked that in F1 Career Challenge. I know that wasn’t trying to be more than one thing, but dare I say it, maybe that’s the problem with LFS that you can’t cater for all audiences (this is merely from the perspective of someone yet to buy a license)!

Sorry for late reply carey. The biggest problem is that there are only 3 devs cope with all the issues. You will see well as time goes on what I'm trying to say. BTW, sometimes demoer or newcomer's perspective could have remarkable advantage via fresh ideas because they are far from standing under the umbrella of "Corporate Blindness". So don't hesitate to post any new suggestion.
S2 licensed
Quote from carey :KERS’ a 2009 addition, so it wouldn’t make sense in LFS, because it has a 2006 F1 car and personally I’d like more control over fuel consumption.

KERS was just an example. Before KERS, there was extra rev button likewise.

I do understand and respect your suggestion in the name of realism, although it seems like as "crème de la crème". But I insist upon there is no chance all the F1 technology embedding in LFS. Because this is input - output matrice issue.
S2 licensed
An approving contribution:

On the other hand, I could summarize my thoughts about this suggestion as follows: ATM, LFS is (online) racing simulator, rather than F1 simulator. We must omit a lot of stuff in F1 technological world. Such as KERS, fuel mixture options, etc.. Just one example. I remember that commentators once mentioned in a F1 program, only the F1 steering wheel manual consists of nearly 400 pages.
S2 licensed
Press the "4" button in race&replays. It will help you to learn the brake/throttle points and the race line.
S2 licensed
Quote from tristancliffe :If you can't get round the corners because you think you have too little grip, then go slower. If wet conditions are introduced, go slower. That's what they do in real life when they don't have enough grip for whatever reason.

Saying LFS is worse because you have to go a bit slower is just silly.

Thanks for advice but the answer is too simple. Tyre modelling is discussable topic and LFS physics is not final given. So there is nothing with being slower or faster. We don't assess racing tips or adapting the existing physics. Maybe KB and steering wheel gap is biggest in Patch Z. So it depends on the user. And labelling someone's idea as silly doesn't make you more clever.
S2 licensed
This is an uncertain area. I'll try to express my thoughts about grip level.

I've been playing 4 and a half years LFS as a single player via KB controller. I used to enjoy playing LFS earlier, but I started to miss old days after releasing Patch Z. Shortly, this is not the LFS that I loved. Of course the main reason is cutting the grip level drastically. Patch Z makes me feel such I'm on a wild horse/bull in rodeo arena. If I met LFS Patch Z firstly, perhaps I didn't got S2 license.

Let me give 2 different examples herein;

1- A comparison between Patch X and Patch Z. BF1 with 10' front wing and 20' rear wing configuration is controllable on FernBay Green in Patch X. However 15' front wing and 30' rear wing (max. angles) configurated BF1 doesn't stay on same track in Patch Z.

2- One step further interpretation about the existing grip level. How about wet track conditions via available grip level? Do you believe that it's possible any single car will be drivable in that case? i.e We observed a couple of times F1 cars with "slick tyres" was drivable in wet conditions. I can't imagine this in LFS.

As a conclusion every update doesn't mean better. There is no straight upward line. Think about Subaru Impreza case.

Some guys say that LFS has too much grip and this is simulation. I definitely don't think so. LFS was not an arcade game in past patches. In those days it was a common sense that LFS was very realistic and reflected best physics. Finally, tyre or grip threads are getting numerous and this tendency wants to say something the devs.

PS: Maybe it's time to merge tyre and grip threads
S2 licensed
Not for bumping an old thread. "A small derivation of this suggestion"

ATM; liter, kg, gallons or whatever units of measure are intermediary variables for reaching the finish line with minimum fuel amount in racing world.
Sub-forums under Improvement Suggestions
S2 licensed
"Improvement suggestions" section is getting messy after Hyperactive has quitted log update.

I think that we need subcategories in order to clarify the improvement suggestions. Although I'm suspicious it's worthy, I've made a list as follows (you can add forgotten topics)

-Software and programming
-General features
- ...
S2 licensed
Just for fun.. Yes rFactor vs LFS but in different basis. How much does it worth?


Assignable Keys for F11 and F12
S2 licensed
As you know, only "shift + arrows" combinations are assigned for changes in F11 and F12 options. This is difficult for keyboard users because the change attempts block the total control of car. In order to simplify changes, "assignable keys" would be a solution. i.e. "Ctrl" or "Alt" for switching the menu options while "PgUp" for increasing and "PgDN" for reducing.
S2 licensed
A simple metaphor about this issue: LFS tyre modelling looks like such a electric kettle. A quick heating in 5 minutes and finally boiling point. However we need "steam locomotive" system. After the starting temperature level the steamboiler of locomotive must be fed carefully. Over coaling will blow up the steamboiler and inadequate coaling will reduce the temperature.

Joking apart, too many coefficients are in the calculation of tyre modelling.

As I know;

-Tyre model (slick, normal, etc.)
-Tyre compound (soft, hard, etc.)
-Tyre pressure
-Track surface (smoothness and vise versa)
-Track design and ideal race line
-Weather conditions
-Track surface temperature due to weather conditions
-Car type and class (FWD, RWD, torque, etc.)
-Total weight of car (including pilot, fuel)
-Weight distribution of car
-Car setups (almost all of them)
-G force

So, all coefficients above affect tyre modelling synchronously. Of course their influences differ from race to race. Some of them are dominant in a race specifically, although affect in another race slightly.

Another dilemma.. Does tyre wearing problem slow down the laptimes? Not all the time. (i.e in F1, the best laptimes are reached when fueltanks are nearly empty despite the tyres weared out. Herein weight effect is bigger than tyre wearing efffect.)

Finally, in order to alter this complexity the tyre company advisors for race teams should advise the devs, if possible.