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Quote from S14 DRIFT :1.6l 4 pot would not churn out 2000hp. Never ever ever ever ever, quad turbos + nos + supercharge = Still not 2000hp

Why not? All you've got to do is put enough of your chosen fuel and air in and igniting it as quickly as necessary. There is no limit to how powerful a particular capacity or layout of engine can be.

Quote from andybarsblade :Well he did say that 2000bhp out of a 1.6l 4 cylinder was not possible. What were the 1200bhp turbo F1 engines V8? V10? V12?

The most powerful ones were straight 4 BMW engines derived from a production block design (and if you believe the rumours they were used production blocks).
S2 licensed
Quote from SamH :It's a possibility. If they happen, I'll just merge them in. I've renamed this thread slightly again.

I expect it's sensible to keep iR, rF and nKP threads as threads in their own rights because they're more specifically of interest, but I'm increasingly irritated by the complete randomness and irrelevence of many new threads in O/T. People seem to be confusing "Off Topic" with "chat shit", and it needs addressing properly.

And no, I'm not saying your thread was shit. I'd just rather split a good thread off in its own right, only if it needs it, and have the place a bit more structured otherwise.

We've always had pretty chunky threads for major releases so can't we just have one clearly labeled thread for each new game? This thread is just a confusing mess, deleting the posts would be just as effective. Personally I consider threads about games are far more useful to the community than masterpieces such as 'Draw a cat with your eyes closed!', 'hey guys neeed help with a good Team name' and 'do you think this can work for a self standing umbrella?'
S2 licensed
Quote from major_syphillis :
I have health insurance through my employer, which is a top priority of mine, unlike a lot of people in america which don't give a sh!t. I pay a lot of my paycheck so I have health insurance. I don't get your post though, is it wrong for me to have a dream to be successful?

In this country I am able to study at university with a state supported (interest free) loan, it covers my fees and gives a payout which covers a substantial amount of my accommodation and living costs. By working in my spare time I can reasonably comfortably live with no overdrafts or need for outside support, whilst still being able to enjoy myself. I also have security in knowing I will only start repaying my loan once I am earning over a certain threshold, should anything happen that means I can't work or get a reasonable job I won't have an extra bundle of debt to deal with. I also don't have to pay large health insurance fees, and would far rather to have to pay a bit more later to ensure that others don't miss out on health care because they can't afford it. Benefits have there advantages and disadvantages, sure they do get abused and are too attractive in some cases but prevent a lot of people living in poverty by no fault of their own.

Quote :
How many of those have been by suicide bombers? That's a pretty low figure to 7 years of "occupation." Even though we are training an iraqi army and trying to build a democratic state in iraq.

Iraq was an independent and relatively stable dictatorship before we invaded. Whilst there was a dark history (largely US backed) it was hardly in the state of anarchy that it is in today. There was no war, the Iraqis put up nominal resistance and surrendered there American weaponry without a fight. Unfortunately the American plan for democracy in Iraq assumed that they wanted democracy and wanted the Americans to deliver it to them, whilst some may not have liked Saddam they still got on with lives under him (much like plenty of people dislike their leaders in both democracies and dictatorships around the world). With only a tiny amount of resistance our peace plan (as if there ever was such a thing) was brought rapidly to a halt.
S2 licensed
Quote from major_syphillis :What about terrorist activities overseas? I'm not talking about bombings in Iraq.

You simply wish to ignore the deaths of 150,000 Iraqi cvilians, how can they possibly be less significant than the deaths of less than 3000 US civilians (most of whom were killed in a single attack). Yes 9/11 was a horrible act of terrorism, but by going around the world killing everything in their path the US have given the terrorists exactly what they wanted, a sense of fear in the heart of a load of stupid Americans who have now assumed that all Arabs/black people are terrorists. They've managed to rip apart Western society due to people like you getting a completely disallusioned view of the whole thing through the media and allowing the government to effectively remove rights and make up new rules as and when it fancies with no resistance.

Pre 9/11 you had never experienced a terrorist attack and it was a shock to you. It is hardly surprising really given the level of security at your airports, it was a complete joke, when returning from Florida in August 2001 the hand luggage scanner was broken, so they checked our bags very briefly manually, the plane was delayed and we were allowed to freely walk back and forth through customs (they only wanted to check we had a boarding pass each time, not passports) and they didn't bother re-checking our hand luggage. In contrast security at Heathrow was pretty much the same as it is today. In the UK we have been used to terrorism for years and haven't let it have such a large effect on us, whilst events such as Bloody Sunday were absolutely appalling we never started invading countries disconnected from the troubles to make us feel better as a nation, we just got on with life and the vast majority of us die from old age, cancer, smoking, drinking, driving, falling down the stairs and trouser malfunctions.

This might make some interesting reading, can you really justify the 'war on terror'?

Or do you seriously think more than 200,000 people would have been killed by acts of terrorism in the last 7 years?

Quote :
And again, you bring up race, not me. I have nothing against black people. Seems like all you guys play is the race card.

Have you not seen any of the McCain rallies with supporters openly going round calling Obama every possible racist term, not to mention the monkey dolls, and McCain himself frequently having to defend Obama in his later rallies to keep some credibility to the Republican campaign. Did you also not see the Republican crowd booing in McCain's (actually very good) condolence speech as soon as he mentioned the significance of Obama's election. Keeping bringing up blatantly racist propaganda and we are going to point it out.
S2 licensed
Quote from major_syphillis :I can never say it was a good war. But I can assume that Saddam was harboring terrorists. It's a pretty fair assumption also, whatever your view on the war may be. I know Bush was corrupt, I am not a fan of what he did. So, when was the last terrorist strike compared to a few years ago? I don't remember any Al Queda strikes in the recent past. Although, I can recall a sh!t load of them in the distant past. Resemble a correlation?

The BBC news website has 7 news items over the last 10 days of suicide bombings with multiple (civilian) fatalities, a lot of news stories now cover multiple bombings and don't make the headlines because they are just so routine, hardly what I'd call a decrease in terrorist activity.

Quote from major_syphillis :He denounced the whole thing. That is my point. He's blatantly lying to the people.

Ok. Find me a good non-biased article both with strong proof that he was a muslim and that he has directly denied it? Personally I haven't looked into what faith he was born into or practised at an early age, it is as irrelevant as what faith he chooses to follow now in his eligibility to be president. The fact that Americans might just be ready to accept race (although I think your kind are prime examples that not all are) but certainly haven't got over the issue of religion yet.
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Quote from major_syphillis :Google barry soetoro... you're not the mister know it all, are you?

About the only thing I think can be established is that he used a nickname and his step father's surname in his younger years and has since changed back to using his birth name. Why this is so shocking I don't know, the 'liberal' media (I don't think you can comprehend that, or read, any media can be prepared in a non-biased fair manner) hasn't considered his childhood nickname to be important to his ability to be president of the US. I know several people who have adopted a nick name and a step parent's surname as their legal name, I wouldn't be suprised if at some point in their life they choose, for personal reasons, to use their birth name again.
S2 licensed
Quote from major_syphillis :Yeah, it's been drawn out but you can't deny the positive of "allies" being in Iraq/Afganistanm probably saved hundreds of innocent lives already as many terrorist acts have been to rest because of "our" occupation.

What planet are you on? Afghanistan may or may not have had an effect on terrorist groups but was justifiable. Iraq had nothing to do with Al Qaeda and terrorist attacks on the West. In case you have forgotten the official reason we went to war was because Saddam supposedly had weapons of mass destruction, these imaginary weapons presented such an enormous risk to the world that George W and his poodle ignored the fact they had international disapproval, made a complete mockery of the UN and entered a pointless war. What they then found was that rather than being able to quickly restore order and get some kind of PR/oil/American jobs gain out of Iraq they got insurgency causing mayhem, whether there are now any links to Islamic extremists who have attacked Western soil is unclear, but quite likely given that they have inadvertently created an ideal supply of angry people and an uncontrolled country for them.

Terrorist attacks on the West pose almost no danger at all, Katrina killed almost as many as 9/11 (and unlike 9/11 still leaves large numbers of people homeless) but it has been all but forgotten about, probably through a mix of lack of media hype and the fact that it affected predominantly black people which are practically terrorists anyway using the Republican logic.
S2 licensed
Quote from major_syphillis :
He was a muslim and now denies it to be elected president. Yeah, it's called hypocrisy and I don't stand for it.

Any kind of citeable source (not CNN)? Putting Obama and muslim into google gets this as the first response. I think the chain e-mails pretty much sum it up. I think the fact that half the Repulican campaign was trying to spell this message that Obama is black=muslim=evil terrorist was frighteningly effective at getting votes, thankfully not all of America is quite that backwards..
S2 licensed
Quote from major_syphillis :It's not about racism, the fact that he used to be a muslim and now denies that ever being true.

Why couldn't a muslim be elected president? Or any other faith for that matter, your countries constitution segregated church and state, it seems sad that in recent years it has moved backwards.

Quote :
You guys rag and tag on people who voted republican as some racists. But 97% of blacks that voted, voted for Obama, 47% of those first time voters and I suppose more than 50% voted because of one thing, race. So, who is the racist?

I seem to remember someone was booed into the White House after votes were discounted in a prominently black area that were expected to vote overwhelmingly for a white Democratic candidate.
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Quote from flymike91 :I thought this summed up a lot of the overly zealous hero worship I've been seeing lately.

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They're light by modern standards at about 1400-1500kg a piece, but European sports cars (which are about the same if not heavier) are far too fat as well. When they go racing though the production weight is immaterial because the majority of it serves no purpose on a performance car.
S2 licensed
Overhead valves are too high tech for Nascar!
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Quote from Christopher Raemisch :So it is agreed then that the Vette and Viper can actually 'handle' and are capable cars that can easily keep up with any 'supercar'. Which is what the disagreement started as =)

There's no doubt that both the Viper ACR and Corvette ZR1 are very capable cars, apart from being a bit heavy they tick all the boxes and certainly do handle. Round a power track like the 'ring they are at home and relatively underpowered conventional track choices, Caterhams, 911 GT3s, (very) production hot hatches and Group N ish saloons all get left behind because they spend big chunks of the track flat out trying to keep up. Put them on a tigther less power demanding track and the physical size of the American cars will hinder them and they will struggle to keep up with the others. In comparision to the hot versions a standard Viper or Vette would be hopeless and soft and a lot slower round the 'ring (even if statistically there is hardly any difference), just like the supercars.

Quote :In the production classes where the Vette and Viper race they are winning races over the other classes.

As soon as you allow free shock absorbers, suspension modifications and a rollcage, not to mention completely removing the weight difference between the cars by running to a standard weight the differences in the production cars become irrelevant, with the exception of the engine. If you start off with 600bhp standard you've got a slight advantage
S2 licensed
Quote from Lateralus :True, but my point was that it isn't nearly good enough to compete with cars from other companies which can get much better mileage. Just being "not bad" doesn't cut it when the company's going bankrupt.

The Prius gets 48mpg city (and is a considerably smaller car with only a 1.5 litre engine).

Closer comparisons would be:
Ford Fusion 3 litre - 18mpg
BMW 328 (auto) - 19mpg
Lexus ES350 - 19mpg
Passat (3.6 litre) - 17mpg

As much as I hate the concept of hybrid technology if people are insistent on driving around cities in cars with large engines they do make sense. Of course the better option, in terms of cost and driving enjoyment, would be well developed small engines. A modern 1.6 litre conventional 4 cylinder engine developing in excess of 120bhp should be more than enough to propel a medium size 5 door car (which should weigh no more than 1100kg) far faster than is legally permissable and it should be able to cruise comfortably at motorway speeds, if it can't then the car needs to go on a diet.
S2 licensed
Quote from Lateralus :38 mpg? That's it? How pathetic; this is 2008. With my 1998 2.3L 4-cylinder Acura CL I got 32 mpg on my last fill-up, and that's when I drive vigorously while delivering.

Ford is a joke. GM is a joke. Chrysler is a joke. To hell with their bailout.

In fairness as a city figure it's not bad for an overweight car with a big engine.
S2 licensed
Of course it is a publicity stunt, but TBH if hybrid pace cars and bio-fuel race cars can get motorsport a greener image without producing a field of diesels and hybrids I'm all for it.
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Quote from Christopher Raemisch :Then if it is, why isn't the koenniggg on the top of the list?

It's hardly slow (Evo had it round in 7.33) and as I said the 'ring is a power track, that Viper has a lot more power than all the other serious sports cars and most supercars. The supercars are not aimed at going round a circuit quickly, although they may be capable they all have full interiors (with the possible exception of the MC12), weigh a lot and are aimed at being driveable on the road, making a nice noise and generally being idiot proof. The Pagini and MC12 both lapped in 7.24 (Evo Nov 08), which is impressive given they were standard road cars. It is hardly news that even the most humble car with a few relevant modifications, well setup and well driven can leave Supercars standing anywhere other than the straights, and with 600bhp they shouldn't have too much difficulty keeping up.
S2 licensed
Quote from Christopher Raemisch :? Huh? Just because there are two decent straits it's a HP track? It's one of the most complex and challenging tracks in the world with over 70 turns (can't be asked to look for exact figure) If it's a HP then why isn't the Koenigsegg number 1 on the list, afterall it has the highest HP and one of the best HP/weight ratios. To discredit both cars because they have high HP... why? Why isn't the DBR9S on there? It has almost the same HP?

The 'ring is a power track, not only does it have long straights but blindingly fast sections that can be taken very quickly in a capable car.
S2 licensed
Quote from SidiousX :American cars own the top two fastest lap times at Nordschleife... And you can hear the viper hitting his rev limiter like crazy, he could've gone faster..

Err... no, the Radical SR8 holds the road car lap record and Stefan Bellof holds the outright lap record in a German car.
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Quote from Shotglass :are you sure you typed that right? id guesstimate the whole thing to be well into the fives by the time the car has a new suspension ie after your step one

I think Tristan meant four figures for the number of list items
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Quote from sam93 :I didn't say you can just cut things off then weld new parts on. I was actually asking how you would convert a car from FWD to RWD.

It is almost impossible to convert a unitary construction vehicle to rear wheel drive. It is much simpler to build an entirely new car and then cover it with the original bodyshell (or a representation of). There have been some attempts (and in some cases commercially available kits) that use the standard shell as a structural component (reinforced of course) with the original engine mid-transverse mounted.
S2 licensed
Quote from sam93 :But, the Z20LET without the turbo wont be 200bhp though would it, so to keep it 200bhp I would need to keep the turbo on it, then put a supercharger on the engine to boost the hp from 200 upwards. Correct?

You can't simply add up power figures for various bolt on components, it just doesn't work like that. Forget about multiple arrangements of turbos and superchargers, forget even about any kind of forced induction, read a book or go to somewhere like and learn the basic principle of a four stroke petrol engine. Then after you've learnt how an engine works (which will take you more than an afternoon to learn) then move on to reading about conventional single forced induction systems, by the time you understand all that you'll soon be able to answer all these questions.
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Quote from major_syphillis :and the witch hunt begins...

Really what does it matter where he comes from? I think it is pretty hypocritical for someone not born in the US to be able to stand for presidency in a country of immigrants (not that I imagine for a second the democrats would be stupid enough to elect such a candidate).

Quote :
Ohh, and based on this video alone... wondering who you guys would vote for if you lived in America?

So one is a white gun slinging hero, not really anything there that convinces me he is in anyway suitable for leading the most powerful country in the world. The other guy is black and is therefore an evil terrorist...
S2 licensed
Quote from sam93 :Induction kits and such like are easy to remove though, I wouldn't think an insurance company would actually be fussed about something like a aftermarket air filter anyway.

Air filters are free, so long as they are a direct replacement of a consumable part, after all for those who are hell bent on maximum performance not running an air filter won't invalidate your insurance. The induction system is a very important component of the engine and definitely is not free for undeclared modifications. What a lot of stupid idiots (who tend to like buying induction kits and big back boxes) don't seem to realise is that it is very difficult to convincingly refit a standard induction system to a smashed up car, made harder still when the car is impounded.
S2 licensed
Quote from sam93 :Lol, if I had a FWD car and wanted to tune it, I would most likely convert it to RWD or 4WD. How hard would it be to change a car to RWD. Wouldn't you have to change the propshaft, put a diff on the back. What else would you have to change? Gearbox?

The easiest approach would be to build a spaceframe and keep the engine, now mounted longitudinally, as the only original component. Expect build costs in excess of £20000 before you begin on the engine if you want a neatly presented road car. Getting a turbo and supercharger to work properly will need a lot of investment and understanding, if you're asking on a forum about such basic aspects don't both considering it.

If you really have to do an engine conversion then at least choose something simple and well documented.