Ah, ok. I thought you did. But, like I said, I'm not sure whether this would make much difference here anyway.
I somehow doubt it's a bug, but if so it's gotta be a "W" (official) one, 'cause I'm not running any test patches at all. It's probably just some button I accidently pressed ... wish I knew which one it is.
Hey, :lfs: works like a charm, no matter if I'm hosting or joining a server. There's just these "new" (?) "PLWHATEVER" messages I'm getting when hosting a (non-dedicated) server.
I'm not sure where to post this ... if this should be the wrong section, sorry. I already did a couple of searches for similar threads, searched the manuals for info on this, etc, but with no success.
Whenever I've been hosting a server (not dedicated) lately, I've been getting additional messages. Example: Whenever someone leaves the pits, the message "driverName left the pits" is followed by a "PLJOIN" (or similar) message. I have no idea when these additional messages have been introduced, but I find them rather distracting. So my question is: What are these (additional) messages for, and is there any way to turn them off?
I have no idea. One of the first things I switched off when I got :lfs: was the fps display. The game runs smooth here, it always did, so why would I bother checking my fps?
I have no idea. One of the first things I switched off when I got :lfs: was the fps display. The game runs smooth here, it always did, so why would I care about fps?