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Quote from AndreABG :once I recognized something that might be ur problem -> when I attache only 1 USB device in the 2nd USB slot on my MB it won't work, until theres something attached to the first one (shouldn't be, but it is ^^) So you maybe try to put the wheel in the usb port with the lowest number, counted from left to right and then up to down in my case: 1 2 3 4 when looking at the back of ur PC

OK I'll try!
S2 licensed
Quote from imthebestracerthereis :Have you tried rebooting your PC and then sticking it in?

Yes ofcourse.

Quote from AndreABG :try this drivers: ... r/ These are Chipset drivers for the Nforce 430 with onboard GeForce 6100 (what I think u have?), maybe the needed USB drivers are there within

Now I see that I have GeForce 6100 on board :jawdrop: I didn't know that! (And I did't ask for it when I buy...) But I use GForce 7300 GT.

I will try this driver.

Quote from DEVIL 007 :
Do you have the wheel running over the USB HUB or directly connected to PC USB port?

Now U ask too much I plug in into USB on back (4), or in front (2)...

Quote from DEVIL 007 :Why you dont run the DSL modem over ethernet.I know a lot of cases where DSL modem running over USB make trouble to other USB devices.

Hmm Dont know how to do it. Everibody I know use ADSL through USB.
S2 licensed
Motherboard is Asus M2N-MX. I think is nForce chipset.

I cant see file like that.

Just talk with man who has been chef of computer service log time, and he sad that think that will know how to fix it.... I hope so. We will see day after tomorow... (tomorow nobody work, we have holliday, barbecue and stuff... )
S2 licensed
Double click on "unknown device" open that window on picture.

And as U see, Logitech driver running.
S2 licensed
Quote from AndreABG :Are u using windows XP? Then u may need the SP2 or just USB drivers (download ne chipset drivers and install them, when u have no SP2 there should occur an error like "File not found). On some mainbords theres a driver CD where u can them install from. In the menu wheres ur 2nd screenshot made, can u see "USB Universal Host Controller XXXX" where the XXXX stands for their interrupt (? or some kind of adress) I think. On the other side u should try to use the Logitech Software and look if the wheel is recognized there

Yes I using XP with SP2 in it. I was make reinstal before i start thread, to make sure that no existing program making problem, and I was install all driver for motherboard, all what I find on CD which I get with MB. Im not sure about USB driver... (Now I search on CD and find no special driver for USB, but my DSL works through USB...)

And I try with latest Logitech driver, wich works fine at my friend computer. And stil nothing.

And also tryed different USB port...
USB Device not recognized (Logitech EX)
S2 licensed
I have problem! Please some1 help, because I'm very angry and desperate!

My computer won't recognize my Logitech EX steering wheel. I used that wheel lots before on my past comp. and it work! And last week I buy new... And now don't work.... When I recieved my new comp. I was inastantly try LFS (and wheel) to test new graphic etc, and at first it work, but nex day didn't!

This is note I get...

And this...

Sometimes my computer firs recognize wheel if is out of power, but when I plug AC adapter ther's gone...

My USB work fine, I'm connected whit my DSL through USB and also test it whit gamepad. And I try wheel at frends computer and it work perfectly....

Come on... Somebody have idea?????
S2 licensed
Quote from Btoryo :Did you make the 2006 Ferrari? or the 2007? Because Ferrari and Vodafone are gone.


Some 1 should told me... Actualy I was search on on google for Ferrari 248 but now I see that was last year.
S2 licensed
And so, no one till now did't make complete F1 skins fok Formula 1 ? For BF1?

A was make (still in progres) for Ferrari...

S2 licensed
Quote from imthebestracerthereis :owersteer? lol

illepall (only not thumb then middle....)
Last edited by AleksejBASOwarrior, .
S2 licensed
@ jtw62074

Now this is good explanation. Thanx!

I know for tyre load sesitivity (thats why truck never can have same tyre performance like car - thaths what I heard) but just not thinkin that way.
S2 licensed
Quote from Blowtus :

OK i bilieve.... But...

Quote from Bob Smith :As ajp71 says increasing ARBs at once end of the car decreases grip at that end, so they are working fine.

About the loads, higher ARBs always reduce the difference in left and right loads when cornering, which helps increase grip (thanks to tyre load sensitivity).

Stiffening just one ARB transfers more load to that end of the car (front or rear) when cornering, so infact decreases grip at that end of the car (again, thanks to tyre load sensitivity).

But still... How tyre with biger load can't stand bigger lateral force. This two thing should be proprtional...

Or I missing something again? ... iction_files/image009.gif could'n fin better image now...


(mi-friction coeficient)

Tyre phisics is bit different (deformation,trail...) but not so different.
Anti-roll bar influence on car behaviuor... (How can this be?)
S2 licensed
Hi all!

Something occupy my mind for some time. It is influence of anti-roll bar on lateral dynamics of car. (in LFS)

I expect to stiffer anti-roll bar affect that increase lateral force which wheels can stand in curves. For example if I have oversteer, i make stiffer rear end ARB and get better control of rear end. Ofcourse if i make to much stiffer i will get understeer.

Actually it is hepend. Long time a go i recieve some "WR" setup for XF GTI - BL GP track (demo days ) and I feel much over steer so I make stiffer rear ARB a car vas mor in control. After short time I drive much better time!


Now I drive LX4 - AS Club R and somethinh strange happend. Increasing stiffnes of rear ARB makes car oversteer much more than before, and stiffer ARB on fornt doesn't decres understeering

So i make two run, tryin to drive on same conditoins - same line, speed, throttle (aproximatly), with 2 same set, but one difference. In 1st run front ARB was on max and rear on 0, and on 2nd run oposite.

And i saw this.

Run 1

Run 2

Pict 1 show clear understeer. Pict 2 show on all 4 wheel "red" force but it is also clear owersteer.


But if we look on vertical force on tyres wi see that are in 1st case vertical force on tyre (as U say tyre load) bigger then in 2nd run! And tyre load on rear (outer ofcourse) wheel is bigger when is rear ARB stiffer. So stiffer ARB incress vertical force on outer wheel resulting weight transfer during turn. Thats I expected but...

How can wheel with bigger vertical load loose grip more rather than same wheel when have smaller tyre load?

I hope we can agree that is lateral force same in both case, cause it depend of CoG position between front and rear wheel, and it is same on both case....

What do U others think about this?
Last edited by AleksejBASOwarrior, .
S2 licensed
Cool stuff!!!

But it would be nice if I had this for other track...

I need to make some layout for Kyoto Oval etc.
S2 licensed
Quote from Bob Smith :Just to make it official, development of GRC2 is now officially over, halted, stopped, dead, never to continue, etc.

Why that??
S2 licensed
Quote from PLAYLIFE :"+ Deleting mprs/sprs ingame"

That's in the test patch already isn't it!?

Smart tell...
S2 licensed
No longer welcome
S2 licensed
No, Im sure I dont have. (So little RAM to waste it)

I use to install Windows for every few months, and always I have to install (unzip) LFS again, and I notice this before.

It is a bit of problem when Im online.
Ctrl+F1-8 wont works after some time...
S2 licensed
First work normal, but after some time it just dont works.

For example Ctrl+F2 work, but Ctrl+F1 (wich I use for "Hello") dont. And F1 work. And so...
S2 licensed
Quote from jonaskarl :Hey guys .. can someone make a General Lee skin for me !

Why don't U make itself, it would by more pleasure for U.

For me is point to make my own skin, by myself.
S2 licensed
Quote from Stew2000 :i like

As a kid I planed to paint my car (when I grow ) ih this color.

Certainly, now I don't wish that with real car, but LFS give me posibillity to do that.
Last edited by AleksejBASOwarrior, .
S2 licensed
Quote from ruckus37 :The difference has been bugging me for a while, but it is evident in the two simulators,

Rfactor = American, as just Hollywood arcade style
LFS = European more realistic

Let the flam wars begin!


The way that i see LFS "against" other sim is:

LFS - is great simulations of car dynamics - made to simulate dynamics of car driving.

rF, GTR, etc. - great imitation of car driving.

Final filing is similar, some people love LFS some rF, but base is totaly different.
S2 licensed
Quote from traxxion :

I will miss the best F1 driver ever.

Thank you Michael, for many great races and everytime a reason to get up in the middle of the night...

Damn right!!

More than 10 years im his fan.....
S2 licensed
M3 Inspiration...

Here it is.

There is my name on left door, so if U want to use it, chage that detail.
Last edited by AleksejBASOwarrior, .
S2 licensed
Quote from Harry_NOR : its like "Need for speed" or something.
