Sometime I use F1Perfview program and its very interesting to get all output informations like in other professional program for car dynamic simulations.(like in CarSim that I use on my university)
But, as I see option to export some data to some .csv file that opens with Excel, I do that, but never I get normal Excel file. File that I get is empty or with some strange values...
So, does anyone knows how to realy export data in file, that later could use in Excel, wich geave me possibility to work more with numbers I get?
Or I sholud use some other program than Excel??
For example to find average value for some data, or smething like that.
Yes I think to... I had even mesuring average grip, to avoid this extrem values in just short time, using F1perfwiev eng got about 0.9!!! Its very big value.
OK, bau in folder Live For "Speed\data\ogg" i have 2 loop and i see its like winamp media file, and i can play it with same, so i think i paste ahy my winamp media file in same compression, and thats all, but... It isin't work....