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S2 licensed
I just want to say that I did not know for this program before, I download it few days ago, and its wunderfull.

Great job Bob Smith, and others!!!!!!
S2 licensed
Quote from Bob Smith :Exporting to csv works fine to me. Open in Excel, do what you what, and remember to save it as an .xls file when you're done. Is there a manual for it? I'd have a look.

Strange thing... I open csv file but he is with no usefull data.

Which MS Office do U have? I have Office and Excel 2003, maybe is that problem?...
Data exporting from F1Perfview?
S2 licensed
Hello everyone!

Sometime I use F1Perfview program and its very interesting to get all output informations like in other professional program for car dynamic simulations.(like in CarSim that I use on my university)

But, as I see option to export some data to some .csv file that opens with Excel, I do that, but never I get normal Excel file. File that I get is empty or with some strange values...

So, does anyone knows how to realy export data in file, that later could use in Excel, wich geave me possibility to work more with numbers I get?

Or I sholud use some other program than Excel??

For example to find average value for some data, or smething like that.
S2 licensed
Quote from Vain :The standard-setup-problem is a problem that exists very long and people seem to forget about it quite fast. Also this problem sheds a very bad light on LFS because some of the race_1 or hardtrack-setups are unbearable. Just yesterday I accidentaly drove the XRT with the race_1 setup and wondered what I did to this car that it behaved so extremely bad. I thought I broke my wheel or so. It's a shame that everyone who is new to LFS tries to drive with these setups.


For me, when i start with LFS this was most ineresant detail.
S2 licensed
I dont know why some people say that crash is no, or yes good???

Point of LFS is not to crash, then to race, so i think that what we have now in LFS is almost perfect. Maybe only glass crashes or some, but not more.
S2 licensed
Quote from tristancliffe :In LFS you have too much maximum grip sometimes - over 1.2g in the road cars. However, the way the cars lose and, more specifically, regain grip is questionable and will be fixed in the forthcoming patch.

Yes I think to... I had even mesuring average grip, to avoid this extrem values in just short time, using F1perfwiev eng got about 0.9!!! Its very big value.
Last edited by AleksejBASOwarrior, .
S2 licensed
Quote from Drillah :I'm still waiting patiently for bikes too.

I think that is only matter of time when will somebody make comtroler which could simulate driving of bike.

Before we had steering wheel we drive on keyboard, so maybe it possobla to make something to control bike.
S2 licensed
Quote from Vendetta :yes and how did you use the layout editor and kyoto ring when your a demo racer?!?!?



What good is crack, when they can not use it online, and we know how stupid are AI???

Anyway crack is good thing, because do not geave U nothing more just to see rest of game and than U whish to buy it!!!

Quote from machairrrrrrr :

DO NOT be rude to a country bigger than yours

S2 licensed
Quote from Hyperactive :

... Bigger autocross area:

And bumps and curbs!
S2 licensed
Quote from Bramski :In that case why not just have the Nordschleife as that's a public road.



Whats the problem to make same track as some "real" but jaust not call it like in real....?

It could may be solutions.
S2 licensed
Quote from Greboth :I now use a wheel, but maybe some kind of button press could be added to half throttle. LIke the slow or fast steer on kb. So says click left mouse button to accelertate full but if press say "h" and left mouse button only half throttle.
I know this would take away from the sim side, but would make it easier for mouse drivers to drive the faster gtr cars i think.
This might have been suggested before but a forum search, i couldnt find anything

Come on...

I thin thata with mouse drive only somebody who dont have money to buy wheel. That mean only temporary.

Wheel should be imperativ.
S2 licensed
Quote from ROCKRAZOR :i think the lfs people should put a new game installer with NOS.

Not again....

Maybe some spoilers or stickers to???

Maybe give up LFS and back to NFS...
S2 licensed
Quote from ajp71 :I think there has been some suggestion of a market for a massively multiplayer sim, a bit like NFS but without the silly lights or big bumpers and a physics engine.

NFS have physics????
S2 licensed
Quote from RacingSimFan :Before you all reach for your torches and pitchforks, let me say I'm suggesting this for the benefit of our good and talented non-wheel racers.

I believe the root of the rather heated debate in the General Discussion forum about Wheel vs. Keyboard/Mouse stems from the issue of car control. Without analog input, keyboard drivers in particular are at a disadvantage with regards to control of the 'torquier' cars like FO8 and FOX.

So what I propose is the simple addition of options for traction control and anti-lock brakes for the 'racing cars' only. The 'road cars' would not have these features as they are less of a handful to manage.

This would not be in any way like the full-blown wuss aids featured in other games that magically make cars more stable and almost arcadish in behavior. The kind of options we loathe with a passion.

This would be a realistic and professional application of 2 common, real-life electronic management devices. And of course, TC and ABS could be disabled by the server admin to provide a more 'honorable' challenge for those that seek it.

But wouldn't it be wonderful if we could help everyone get the most out of the cars and tracks offered in LFS. Hell not even us wheelers can control the FO8 100% of the time. With traction control on that car we could use it on more than just the oval and actually focus more on racing and less on keeping the damn thing pointed in the right direction. And our friends on keyboards and mice could join us as many right now avoid the high-HP cars due to control issues.

Before you all condemn this idea outright, just stop and think for a second. Just maybe instead of dumbing down the competition, we might actually raise it up by doing this.

Just a thought.

Come on people....

There is Need For Speed, for one who think that wants to "drive" with keeboard, or something.....

Why dont U buy wheel?
S2 licensed
Curbs will be damn good!

Ofcourse as a demo racer Im not have possibility to do that but Im know it would be good.

Curb will geave real dimesion if some body make copy of some smaller (karting) track.
S2 licensed
I think thata crashs model in LFS is more then good.

It would too much if it was more realistic...

Come on people, is it not enough for U ?

For me yes, even if I dont crash so much...

Little bump ower something and your suspension is allready not same, and some contact and U feel unstabiliti when driving, braking....

Only thing that need improvemen is ELASTIC effect when chrash with barier or so!!!
S2 licensed
Quote from ButterTyres :Looks like a good explanation to me! Bearing in mind my non-techy-tyre knowledge


Its not good explenation, its technical facts!
S2 licensed
Quote from shi shi bog :hey i just wanna know if the s2 license is really worth it??.....and if u regret purchasing it explain.....also if your from australia Sydney how much was the license and if u dont have a credit card who purchased it for you??

i havent searched the forum but if a new version is released do we still get to keep our license or we have to buy a new one???

thats all of the questions i have to ask but if ha ve mor ill post em up

thanks in advance


Maybe try some demo racing, for few day (or months )?

If demo likes U Im shure that S2 will too.
S2 licensed
Quote from shoman24v :

Rate my first lap on a scale of 1 to 10. I ran a 2:32 for the second lap which wasn't shown...


When I Grow up I want to be just like U!!!!
S2 licensed
This is juts great......

I cant belive.....
S2 licensed
Yo, man, i dont have to yse convertor! Sond Forge have posibility to save file with .ogg extension, great thing!

Thanx anyway.
Last edited by AleksejBASOwarrior, .
S2 licensed
OK, bau in folder Live For "Speed\data\ogg" i have 2 loop and i see its like winamp media file, and i can play it with same, so i think i paste ahy my winamp media file in same compression, and thats all, but... It isin't work....
S2 licensed
Quote from Don :in garage, you can choose if driver is inside car or outside and depending on that, the weight of car if you check, they both weigh 70kg.

Fat wommen...
S2 licensed

Metter is Phisics!

What for i hafe great car in nfs when is not good to drive?
S2 licensed
But what is ogg format... . I have some Sound Forge 6 and i'm not sure that i could save some sound in that extension...

I'll try.