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S2 licensed
Hi, could someone do a simple side on view of this FBM skin for me, with the nose pointing to the right with a white background and a reflective floor. 1680x1050 res please I need it for a school project.

Last edited by Alex_Ward, .
S2 licensed
Looking forward to next week. Going to make sure my wheel is setup so if I do end up stuck to my chair I can play lfs xD
S2 licensed
Just been down Maplin and got the lead, it works! Hopefully bidding for the system on ebay so Ill have the better speakers and surround sound ones.

Thanks guys!
S2 licensed
Ok what Im going to do is go to Maplin and get the cable I need, while keeping an eye on the speakers on ebay. Just incase the cable doesnt work, which would leave me stuck with the speakers from ebay.

Edit: Cant seem to find them on their website =/

Edit: Found one That okay?
Last edited by Alex_Ward, .
S2 licensed
Yippee, so I just buy one of those RCA cables and its all ready? I might as well get the one Bob showed me, dont want to get a cheap one :P

Thanks guys!
S2 licensed
Here we go, please say I have the right ones :P

S2 licensed
Quote from Bob Smith :Take a photo of the rear panel that clearly shows all the inputs and outputs, and I'll be able to tell for what you've got and what you'll need.

Ok thanks Ill take a picture tomorrow

Quote from gezmoor :That midrange unit (the middle sized one) is shot. Not going to be reproducing anything worthwhile from that unit.

The dent in the middle of the Bass unit isn't relevant. It's just a dust cap and plays very little part in the overall sound of the speaker, (affects off axis response somewhat towards the upper part of the drive units band though).

Ahh.. cone tweeters, I remember them well.

Not surprised those speakers sound bassy. Cone tweeters have practically no extension, the mid range is going to be sucked out completely on the one speaker with the damaged drive unit. So pretty much most of the output is going to be from the bass unit.

If you turn them up enough that midrange unit is going to fall apart completely.

I wont be turning them up too loud anyway really, and even if they do fall apart atleast Ive only spent a small amount on a cable
S2 licensed
Ah all I need is the rear speakers :P

The turntable is around here somewhere xD
S2 licensed
Yeah it is a shame, but they still sound good. Just realised when I turn them up they can get quite bassy xD

Is Dat/video input the same, as I cant see anything about RCA on the back...
S2 licensed
Rightio flo here we go:

Ive taken some pictures of the stickers on the back of the speaker and amp. Speaker model is S-Z93 and I searched them on google and found a video with them in:

On my ones they are cracked a bit, and they seem to be bleeding (if thats what you call it):

And heres the amp thingy:

It says 'Deck Amplifier' on there, but whether that means anything or not I don't know...

It has Phono, DAT/Video outputs and inputs on it as well.

Would I be able to use this if I got a certain cable/lead maybe?

S2 licensed
Ok thanks guys, ill take a look at the speakers on friday and see what I got. The speakers I have are normal sized I think, they are fairly big. I may take a picture just to show you :P
S2 licensed
Erm atm they are powered by a stereo set that they came with, its like an all in one cd player, radio and amp. I havent properly had a look as its all encased in a cabinet but ill get it all out when im at home friday. I may be lucky and see that the amp is seperate, then I can just use that cant I? I only know that they are made by Pioneer, model I dont know and will have to have a proper look. I cant look around for any amps until friday, as im on my phone.
S2 licensed
Why would I not need a sub woofer? I dont think the speakers will provide enough base, and I like base What amp would you recommend?
S2 licensed
Ok scrap the monitors. I've just pulled out the two Pioneer speakers my dad had, turns out they're 120W each and they sound quite decent. I'm thinking of getting an amp, and two smaller speakers to accompany it and a sub woofer? I might place them around the room so I have surround sound, with the 2 Pioneers behind me or should I not bother with buying 2 extra speakers? Thanks.
S2 licensed
Tic Tac Toe!
S2 licensed
Well Im not looking for anything amazing, just decent quality for whenever I play my music. I just wanna notice a difference between my current logitech crap and what ever ones I get. I just need to decide on either the 520's or the Actives MK2s...
S2 licensed
The 520's are about £90 cheaper than the MK2's on Dolphin Music though? Are they self powered too and are they still good quality, as I may get them to save some money :P
S2 licensed
Ok seriously considering them now. What do you mean you have to turn them on everyday, can you not leave them on all the time? I also need to find a sound dial and a site which sells the speakers for a good price now, know any? :P
S2 licensed
Ok thanks Syfoon, but would you recommend the cheaper Alesis Monitor or the more expensive Actives? Is the difference in quality enough for it to be worth paying extra, and I have music on whenever im using my PC, so does most of my family too. If I cant get my sub/dial thingy to work, where can I get a decent sound dial? I would search myself but Im using my phone atm.
S2 licensed
Hmm ill look into it, I'd prefer not to go through ebay though.
S2 licensed
Me neither, after reading that I feel even more sorry for anyone that has bought them. I will definitely show that to my nan (lol) who swears by Bose, but has only seen them on 'QVC Shopping Channel', see what she says then!

Anyway I'm considering getting the Alesis Active MK2's, but I'd also consider the cheaper Alesis Monitor 1 MK2's...

One question, my dad has a pair of 100 watt Pioneer speakers lying around, if I get a power amp (?) could I connect the 100 watts and a pair of Alesis speakers (Actives or Monitors)? Then I could have a 4 surround speakers?

Edit: Also these:

Just a bit more money than the Monitors
Last edited by Alex_Ward, .
S2 licensed
Yeah mine go Source > dial > sub and then the speakers plug into the sub. But would the base be too much if those speakers already give out base?
S2 licensed
Quote from Syfoon :Oops, those are actually the ones I meant xD Long time since I saw the cardboard box they came in!

They're self powered monitors, no need for an amp to power them. Better for sound clarity

Bit of a tip though, they have no external volume control, only a gain sorta dial on the back which is a bit inconvenient. I get round the issue as I'm running all my sound through a DJ mixer on which I can control the master output volume, and therefore the overall volume.

I have seen dedicated dials which you plug your inputs and speakers into and gives you control of the volume, and they weren't overly expensive either. Worth looking into

Ok Thanks. So the speakers will just plug straight into the back of my PC then? The speakers I currently have plug into the subwoofer, and connecting to the there is a sound dial to adjust volume. I have these: ... /devices/231&cl=gb,en

Would I be able to plug the new ones into that, and use the dial instead?
S2 licensed
Quote from Syfoon :Depends on what you're going to be using them for, how loud you want them to go, and more importantly, how crisp you want the sound to be.

I've got a set of Alesis Active mk1's, and they're stunning. Amazing sound quality (best I've ever owned), but they aren't overly loud, so you can jack them up and not get in too much trouble

Thanks. Ive looked on their website and found the MK2 version:

Im guessing these are better than the MK1s, but is the price good and do I need an amp as they're just monitors?
S2 licensed
I don't need them too loud as the neighbours will complain, but the crisper the better! How much were the Alesis Actives? Would you recommend?