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S3 licensed
very nice car indeed
S3 licensed
i was thinkg of making more of the 94 cars for the fxo/fxr
would you like me to pm you when they are realesed
acctualy thinking about it i may do a whole pack(maybe)
S3 licensed
i would say go for yokas i have always run on them and find them to be exelent
S3 licensed
Ari is the best choice because not only can he see things from and organisational and political point of veiw he can also see things from a drivers point of veiw
S3 licensed
Sorry for the dubble post but i wanted these cars to be sepaerate
this is my latest car. it is a fictional castrol edge colour scheme.
it is on lfs world so can be used online and is avalibe in 1024 and 2048 ( the "(1024)" needs to be removed before use
skin kit by masterskinerz and daloonie
S3 licensed
just some thing i had had arond fore some time
Last edited by Alistair, .
S3 licensed
thanks, i konw i could be better but it gives a good impresion and the car type is wrong because the FXO only has two doors so it doen't quite fit
S3 licensed
Quote from Mustafur :I can't imagen what will happen if in the future there is actually a woman who can drive well, the coverage will be insane.

there was
she was a relly driver called Michele Mouton she nearly won the WRC some time in the 80's and gave the teams male drivers stig blomqvistand someone who i cant remember a good run for their money.
S3 licensed
Quote from NitroNitrous :I can have some fun playing GTR Evo, but that's it,some fun.

but thats the point not all race games need to be as phsicly acurate as possibel
i race a 1985 mini 1000 and the closest physics mach i have found was the UF1000 in lfs but i play GTR evo and from time to time i even play need for speed underground 2, not becuse its a good game but because for the 2-3 hours before i get bored it puts a smile on my face what else do you need
S3 licensed
far be it for me to argue with nascar (they are a bunch of idiots) but even an oval car should not pull that much the camber (or as the americans carr it in thaier infinate wisdom "wedge") ahouls not be taken to high levels its a fine balencing act between helping cornering and just shredding the inside of the tyers they are much better to drive with less camber.
i have spent lare amouts of my life at race tracks and have seen this mistake time and time again. i acutaly run an oval race car and the most i would EVER dream of putting on the outside edge is 1.5 and you setup is running 2.3 like wise on the inside i would only run up to 1 and you are running 4.2
you are not getting the full gain you will just shred tyers it's a novice mistake and one the hppens time and time again it never wins the ONLY reason it works in NASCAR is because they are to stupid to get the point but even they dont run at full most the time you almost cant see the camber on the outside edge
btw if you set the suspention camber and gearing its a great car on road courses
Last edited by Alistair, .
S3 licensed
Quote from TiJay :Very little? The first female driver in a major open wheel series is an achievement, surely?

there were a team of women raced an MG round brookland in the 1930s
S3 licensed
Quote from Bob Smith : the car is set up for ovals (it has maximum wedge), and I've never driven it on a road course, so it hasn't been tuned for that at all. The ... setup isn't meant to be used.

if its set to makimum then it is running too much
S3 licensed
my first replica
it is the 1994 BTCC renault Lagunas both Alan menu(10) and Tim Harvey(11)
for both fxo and fxr
all on lfs world
skin kits by Daloonie and master skinerz
S3 licensed
Quote from danthebangerboy :Fixed lol, everyone thinks it says danger but it actually says banger, as in, banger racing, which is, well, this!

check my mate out at 2:08 driving something a little different lol, and again at 3:37 but this time a different car, look for the big long yellow roof in the right hand side of the vid, there he is, and again at 9:46 his time getting followed into the wall lol.

And yes, it does bloody hurt!

i can beat that i managed to fly my mini 5ft into the air
S3 licensed
Quote from danthebangerboy :Depending what track then they can get upto whatever speed 2nd gear runs out of revs at, so near on 50mph round somewhere like hednesford or arena essex, although i think grimley is smaller than those 2, about the same kind of size as mildenhall but tarmac not shale, plus if i remember right it isnt an exact oval, as one bend is tighter than the other one.

your knowlage of grimley is impresive
it is a sort of egg shape becuse as you say one bend is tighter but that one also dips into the ground unlike the other bend wich has a slight bump and falls away on the outside edge but if you can get the right line i drive about 75-80% of a lap at full trottle in 2nd gear
S3 licensed
Quote from danthebangerboy :What a number to have as well, after either of the banger legends simon reed 33! or magic33.

nice idea but my number came from a freind who raced a 1400cc ford fiesta in the brscc series
Quote from BastianB :How fast are these things going? Looks fun

i don't know none of the ones were i race have a speedo but the go fast enough to hurt if you crash but the top speed is not much becuses its a quater mile oval
Last edited by Alistair, .
S3 licensed
no i was reading autosport and they showed all the details of a 2008 audi a4 and the roof and pillares are steal
S3 licensed
Quote from danthebangerboy :Nice ministock mate, i take it its your first season then, where do u race?

second season second car
i am 14 and i race at grimley race way
since you seem to hwave some knowlage of ministox i am a yellow roof and have just taken a 4th and somthing i don't know today and will be racing again tomorrow. we get two hats and a final but i crashed out the second heat trying too keep second place from the old owner of my car, it was anoying because it was only 2 laps from the end
by the way the attached photo is my old car from when i was a white roof
S3 licensed
Quote from 5haz :DTM cars have almost nothing in common with their road going counterparts.

pillars and roof and stock but the rest is not
S3 licensed
just re painted my racer for my races on sunday and monday what do you guys think
by the way the paint cost less than £30
sorry about the image quality i only had my phone at the time and i know its on its side but im going too bed in two mins and cant uploead over the next two days for odvious reasons
S3 licensed
i would say that the best way do get your head around racing is go to an arive and drive karting place and just drive. iv been doing that since i was 8 and now i am able to win races in my mini
S3 licensed
Quote from swisscosmo :
and also for those long 24h races or 16h races for those first timers in a long race like that they should have a sticker like this on the back.
and for those of you that don't watch Top gear or don't know what it means it means that the drivers have are well newbies and have not raced 5 laps or more in any long enurance racer or official race. Just an idea.

you would not need to watch top gear i have known what a novice plate is since i was 6 years old
S3 licensed
forget flaming him the link dosent work
if you could please re uploade so we can enjoy your work and we can get back to the flaming
S3 licensed
when will you realese it
S3 licensed
if you get the swing cam mod you can setup 5 coustom cam inc t-cam