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S3 licensed
Quote from BAMBO :I just arrived in Porto , the most westic city in the game's european map, and I want to go to America, how much will a ticket and a cheap truck from U.S.A cost me?

go on game statistics, it will tell you there sumwhere
S3 licensed
ive edited the logo, and i think ive made it a bit better...
S3 licensed
Quote from mrodgers :I started with the 89 Volvo. Had so many RMF's I was spending more in repairs than I was making on routes. Every route I finished, I was at least $100 further in the negatives.

I had to reset my driver. Now I'm sticking with the cheapie starter truck until I have the cash for the 97 Kenworth.

the problem with rmf's are they are random, you could easily have a million RMF's in a $100k truck, yet my renault magnum (the crappy $4200 one) has only had 2
S3 licensed
Quote from danowat :Still morning here

I was gonna post two today, so you can have one to be going on with

Week 6 Part 1 F.A.F.

quite hard!
S3 licensed
Quote from Amynue :So all we have is only one video?!

S3 licensed
im guessing that in his lesson, he forgets that he is in real life, floors it at the trafic lights (engine screaming), full throttle, gets to about 30mph in 8 seconds (sorry!!!!), then, crashes into a tree, bursts on fire, and is cooked alive.
S3 licensed
Quote from shaun463 :Why is your flag English yet you say you are Welsh?

ZOMG! call the police!
S3 licensed
Quote from Eleanor SpeedGT :Mostly 97 kenworth w900 is good truck, but as you said for someone it is bad.
These are just general statistics.

I'd wish they add more high end trucks in game, right now i got most expensive truck in the game and will eventually buy all remaining upgrades when needed (turbocharger, supercharger and geometry charger) .

dont forget the lowboy endorsment
S3 licensed
Quote from Eleanor SpeedGT :Every leg you drive the fuel price is different. Prices range from 1.85 to 3.00.
I have 350 gallon fuel tank, prices are offcourse little bit higher when refueled to 100%, but lasts longer too.
Purchasing items is only good if you have atleast 1997 kenworth w900, thats really good truck for its price and i recommend every new player to get to that truck as fast as possible.

ive seen $3.15 in usa
S3 licensed
Quote from The Very End :1000 Pancakes will hunt you in your dreams and kill you.
Feel the wrath of the mighty pancakes!

I think I got issues...


im sending 1337 pancakes to kill you
S3 licensed
sorry, uno spam post! so il just say, pancakes......??WTF?

1000th post w00t!

/me is so sad
S3 licensed
pancakes.... pancakes? pancakes! PANCAKES!!! PANKAKX!!!! OMFG PANCLASKX!!!!!!

S3 licensed
Quote from robt :maybe i should have stayed on the USA map, fuel is more expensive on the europe map and youre right about contracts, if we can get 25 members in the company contracts can pay at LEAST $1.50 a mile.

thats why we need MORE PEOPLE TO JOIN!!!!!!

we need people from here, and their friends!!!
S3 licensed
Quote from MR_B :Then avoid programs like CATIA and solid works at first because they are huge in their amount of options, and quite frankly it'll scare you off!

I'd suggest ProDesktop to get used to 3D design in general.... The main problem I found with pro desktop is that it only allows you to place a workplane on a flat surface... doesn't like trying to draw things on a curve...... so no 3D lollypops for me

draw a line, new scetch, then draw your creation around the line (the line is center of rotation) then use the revolve tool
S3 licensed
Quote from robt :stop taking the easy route and work for your money you lazy trucker!
BTW: big tip, buy new tyres!!! improves your truck condition 15% gives you about 10mph and 0.5-1.5mpg straight out the box for $3000

ive allready told people about that one, but, i sudgest you dont untill you have a truck worth more than about ~$8000, or else its worth buying a newtruck

another tip (if i allready havnt told people) if you want to buy a new truck, allways sell your truck items (fuel filter, tires, chains etc) before selling it, more money!!!!!
S3 licensed
btw, things like item + fuel discount, are $52000 for 3 months...
S3 licensed
i'd just like to say that we now have $5600!
S3 licensed
Quote from bbman :Every accident statistic in the world disagrees with you...

notice, he said 'in a plane crash'. Not how many crashes there are
S3 licensed
i think what scawen ment was that the old english mini, is tiny
S3 licensed
this happened to me,

go into control panel, printers and other hardware, game controllers

select the G25, and click properties

then click settings

then set degrees of rotation to 720 or 900 (whatever you want, for some reason i think the default is 200?)

and id also deselect combined axis

hope that helped
Last edited by anbiddulph, .
S3 licensed
Quote from squidhead :Cheer up, it's not completely hopeless

that made me laugh!

imo i like it! its smooth and flows, especially with the first song, and for a first movie, its quite good! 6/10

hmmm, try to use more camera smoothening on the custom views
S3 licensed
can people please start using the forums? its really annoying that no one is posting, link in the company page
S3 licensed
Quote from [RF]-art555 :click on it

nothing happens
S3 licensed
Quote from RocksGt :No one can beat japanese at making funny shows

The end of the video it's the best

one, two, three, four, five, six, seven............ eighteen, nineteen, tenten, ten ten one XDDDDDDD

what would he call 100?

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tentententententententententententententententen tententententententententententen tententententententen

S3 licensed
just like to say that we now have 12 members! almost half way to contracts!!!!