Yeah some sponsor money is defintley the way to go . I was saying this to Adrian maybe place a slot for advertisment on the website for a reasonable price. That will bring in some money to build PPD and provide events with prizes. And maybe in the long run may make a little profit for himself as the work he is putting into this is outstanding..
PPD is growing significantly, and im very happy to be taking part in helping this team along, I along with Jack and everyone at ERT will offer as much as we can to build this team and will provide help/servers/advice when needed
that wasnt a clean lap if you call it that.. team mate pushed me lol fbm was lagg someone was drafting me and tried to bumpdraft and lag sent me flying down straight.
Curtiba was just so unfair in qually with all the Seat's towing or drafting. They will of course win the condtructors championship. Does nobody think that they should have two teams in contructors championship, Seat Sport #1 + Seat Sport #2 . To give every team a fair shot for constructors title ?
The FXO will have a 3% restriction, which has proven to be fair on many times of testing. Just take a look at NDR|Public server where FXO has 3% restriction and is still as competitive as the other two cars.