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S3 licensed
Hi Victor!
Any chance you could add J@tko and dekojester to the moderators of the Murray Motorsport Cup sub-forum?
S3 licensed
If it was you , you would want a thread with people congratulating you...
S3 licensed
Quote from polepositiondriver :We were sure to mention about the upcoming Murray Sport event on the front page

Thats fantastic , looks well although its nothing to do with Experion Racing.. Just a private league organised by Niall and myself..
But thanks anyway!
Back on topic of Experion Racing , we are hoping to have our new website up very shortly! I will be in contact with Adrian who is coding our design ...
S3 licensed
Quote from banshee56 :we'll get bigtime and pmd on task to get jack's xrt setups squared away for the ima tbo challenge. Maybe he won't melt a tire next time!

S3 licensed
Chris' Return!

Today I'm delighted to announce that Chris Wilkinson has decided to join Experion Racing again! Chris left Experion a few weeks ago hoping to get a drive in the GTAL and many more leagues also. He joined Elite Racing , but soon after found it wasn't the place for him and was looking for a team.
We were more than delighted to accept Chris back into our team and in time he may become a manager!
Here is what Chris had to say;
"Im thrilled to bits to rejoin Experion Racing. After Elite Racing wasn't working for me, I decided that with the recent changes that Experion Racing are going through that it was still the place for me. Thanks to all the guys at ERT who are happy to let me back!
Chris will have immediate impact in the team , taking part in the GTAL this weekend alongside Jack Ward in the GT2 FZR!
We have high hopes for the GTAL as we are currently holding third position in the championship standings!

More information to follow this weekend on the GTAL!

S3 licensed
GL Jack .. Great driver and personality you got there CoRe . Hope you enjoy his presence like we did
S3 licensed
You lot , do you ever stop ? Rather then spamming the forum in hope the it will bring the Scriocco 'quicker' go and play LFS and take to a new car..
It is pointless just spamming the forum about it cause your only annoying the devs. So there is plenty of hosts online so go and play the game rather then moaning about it ..
It will be here when it's here..
S3 licensed

TBO Challenge:
Well done to Jack Ward (jwardy) who put on a great race in the IMA TBO Challenge last night.. The new league has had a big hit and has been quite popular with many sign ups and plenty of people tuning in to watch the event on the live stream...

Jack who drove the who is a rear wheel drive man stuck with what he know's and choose the XRT for the series. Jack has been showing consistant driving in the league always in the top ten and his main issue has been preserving the tyres. Last night however the coasts changed last night when Jack had a strong show in race one coming home to take the flag on the final step of the podium..
Race 2 seen the reverse grid , which reverses the top eight finishers from race one. Jack was driving avery quiet race early on but then as the race was coming to a close Jack was lying in second place. Unfortunatley for the Karma Clan driver Simones he had ran out of fuel half way through the lap and handed the lead to Jack who came home to take the flag with his first win in the series.

Very well done Jack and hope you keep up the strong performances!
S3 licensed
Team Name: Experion Racing
Car Number: 03
J.Ward [jwardy] GBR
C.Wilkinson [wilko868 ] GBR
Last edited by aobrien, .
S3 licensed
PolePositionDriver is gret for sim racing news and the forum is good too.
The news is updated in detail daily! I go on it everyday tbh and i think its great.. PPD gets my reccomendation
S3 licensed
Please do this one someone , possible used for the ERT website .. If possible , a side on view of it please , thanks
S3 licensed
I recommenend Polepositiondriver... I'll ask for you when he is on msn .. i'll pm you trekkfahrer in the next few days
S3 licensed
Enjoy ..
Dont think i have left the scene either .. I know i have not been on in a couple of weeks now but school exams running through this season .. I will be back into LFS in full swing mid June

I thank Niall Murray and Jack Ward who have been keeping ERT running while i have had to take a step back and now James is taking a break.....
ERT are in great hands and i cant wait to get back
S3 licensed
J@tko;VoiD;Toddshooter;zeugnimod;Stefani24;Klouczech;1993weeman;Pearcy_2k7;ChristijaNL;mcintyrej;jwardy;GreyBull [CHA];Jouman;GTR_Yuni;de Souza;blackbird04217;JackDaMaster;Mp3 Astra;G-Force pt;nikosk31;Max-Biaggi;n-murray;March Hare;mblixt;Foqs;tiagolapa;NightShift;Joe_Keaveney;born95;simme181;ergin;EliteAti;Austbong;PUPILO;kiyoshi;angel_ghost;FDMA;ASR Sanchez;Psymonhilly;kosmajac;AleksejBASOwarrior;anttt69;Scotty2888;texasltu;buck77;dan12s;lizardfolk;WGooden;mrspeed21;Trekkerfahrer

This is a list of all the sign ups to date.. For round three this weekend , we want all of you to turn up! You will be told well in advance if you will not be racing . We will have the order of the reserve list up very shortly so be patient!

So please if your username is here and you know you wont be taking part this weekend or any other weekend please notify us so we can take you off the list..

If you will be missing one event but still racing in the league for the rest of the season you must state absence prior to the race (24 hours before) Any driver not doing so and not attending will be moved to the bottom of the reserve list.

Many thanks,
TBO Challenge Admins
S3 licensed
Sorry to hear ..
S3 licensed
Quote from JO53PHS :Hai

Btw, the SC isn't a copied RL car, it's a heavily pimped FZ5 . I only managed to get the lights, and grille to blend in after 100000000000000 brush strokes :P

Not final yet

My desktop background
S3 licensed
for nothing?

well hmm maybe blocking people more than you should.. not obeying the blue flag.. the leeader wasa obviously quicker than you , when he got by you , you started bumping him ..

you sure you did notthing ?
S3 licensed
you deserved it stop moaning
S3 licensed
Please vote on our poll found here
S3 licensed
but you have to consider others with time zones differences .. Just for an example I was talking to Kenneth O'Keefe from Canada and if it wasn't on the weekend he couldn't make it .. I think that there will be alot of people like this .. Maybe we can have a poll and vote between the two and obviously majority wins ..
S3 licensed
Its in discussion now , Sunday or Saturday nights? Please post your opinions of this too .
S3 licensed
Yeah we started out with 103% but changed it last minute because we taught people wouldn't bother trying .. Maybe 104% ?
S3 licensed
Although sign ups aren't open please post interest!
Also we know prizes will attract alot of people so we have the 105% off any WR's on the calendar , we think this is very fair.. Please tell us your taughts/views?

@Lappravotte: Yes all XFG
S3 licensed
Quote from jasonmatthews :5haz is a great driver, congrats guys, all the best for the future

Yeah , sure is! Thanks Turkey!
S3 licensed
You will more than likely be in the league lizzard