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S2 licensed
Quote from BlueFlame :Guess you didn't bother to read this page. :/ :P

Guess i missed that too oh well. Double the exposure for them...and the ammount of money they are taking from our wallets....assuming they bring them out in a reasonable time frame....hehe like the Mclaren xD
S2 licensed
Oh the Twitter update i just read said they signed two Hondas the Civic ... YbFYI&feature=related
And this HSV-010 GT
S2 licensed
I defs agree the oval side is completly different to road side.
Though the guys running at Dega seem to be on a different level. Im running the HOF setup and these guys are flying around the track on there own :O WTF AM I MISSING?
Whats the trick?
S2 licensed
So are we still skating on ice with the tires or is it bearable now?
S2 licensed

A fan made trailer...looks like i will have to invest now :P
S2 licensed
I wish they would release Oran Park already. I mean it was being released what Two years ago? Now they just pick new tracks or more ovals. They clearly dont care about Aussies.
S2 licensed
The patch ruind the game for me tbh cant play 64 maps on PC without rubber banding with 20 ping :O That makes sense right?
I was actually ontop of the antenna today lots of fun up there. You can still ride the MAV just stand on the side pods.
But the patch ruind the game there were no improvements made just lots of backward steps.
S2 licensed
I have the worst strategys i swear... any help with these? Like how to do you set up fuel or tires? and tell them what to do? Is there a perfect setup? Help please?
S2 licensed
So last race in a few hours. Shall we go for a second season? 2 Races a week next time?
S2 licensed
I had it when im driving on road and suddenly im floating on wait thats just iracing. I actually really do dislike it. They cater to the oval side long before the road.
S2 licensed
So im having a shit time in A class and i keep having bad races...i have a tendency to spin myself while racing D class races. Cause theres never anything higher going. So if i get demoted what does my SR start at?

And wow i never actually realised just how bad the NTM was the Mazdas are stupid slippy. And the Skip just breaks loose when ever it wants to and even when it is sliding you cant save it. SAH STUPID! Regret putting money into this now....Maybe iracing will give me a refund lololol.
Last edited by AstroBoy, .
S2 licensed
I just realized that ive spent below $600 on iracing....DAFAQ is wrong with me xD
S2 licensed
So question for you guys with 3 Monitor setups that arent attached to a frame behind the monitors.
Where did you buy your desk? And can you recommend desk for me? I want to run 3 monitors but my current desk wont accommodate one so im looking for a new one.
Any help? Prefrebly one thats not DIY (Bar shop ones like ikea ect)
S2 licensed
Lulz i was a day behind and thought i still had a day to do my upgrades....then i realized i didnt hence why my suspension faild its kinda lol xD
S2 licensed
Im free again looking to race, as usual ect ect.
S2 licensed
So the seasons almost over...kinda xD hope there will be another one after this with races every so many days instead of weekly.
So what are you training your drivers in when the races are over?
Speed Technique Attacking Defensive? Whats the grand combination?
S2 licensed
:O Winning by every stretch of the imagination. I defs want one, one day.
S2 licensed
So if i were to join the team theroticly but feel free to think of it seriously

I would be a Western Wolf because im from the western world and not from Benelux?
But why you merge then un merge??
Though i still cant take it seriously when i read "Cyber Athletes"
S2 licensed
I have
2 coal
33% of Valve stuff
1 Frozen Synapse game.
S2 licensed
Quite enjoying BF3 now with the B2K maps but i just wish servers would incorperate them into the full rotations kinda over rotating through the same maps over and over again.
Wheres the stats for the best maps then that would be a epic server.
S2 licensed
Need mmoar peoples!!!!!
S2 licensed
I need a better driver but ima invest in his future :P
S2 licensed
They have a Celebrity race at the Australian GP, the commentary is the same you would get with a real race but just with minor humor thrown in to remind us that its a fun race at the end of the day.
But with professional race drivers you'd expect some form of respect not a slipshot broadcast like that one.
Though totes good that THE GIZ WON THE ROAD But its a win for Kiwi land not Australia
S2 licensed
Defs in