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S2 licensed
Quote from tristancliffe :The helmet should become a legend perhaps, but not Massa (for this).

Totally agree.
But do you supose he will be back for Brazil just to finish it up infront of his home crowd?
Even if its just a lap in practice.
S2 licensed
Any chance i could get the LFSCART logo on its lonesome?
And also when u say airbox do you mean on the dorsal part or can it still be just below the airbox but not on the top part of the skin?
Attached pic should demonstrate what i mean.
A is on the airbox, While B is just below it, just wondering if it still counts as the Airbox or not.
S2 licensed
Wow tristan, all of this stuff is really interesting.
Though a question, what are the chances of it raining at Snett? I mean with the F3 spec cars and the 20-30bhp faster i could imagine if it rained it wouldnt be much use but from memory snet is a fast track, except for a few parts.
Anyway so how did you find the rain conditions fun challenging faster then ur rivals ect? I know you've proberly answerd it before but im just curious myself.
S2 licensed
Quote from lizardfolk :BTW Marcos Ambrose was sponsored by iRacing LOL!!!!!!

Whats so Lol about that?
S2 licensed
Are your graphics settings set to max?
S2 licensed
Quote from zeugnimod :I don't think doping is allowed.

Sorry, I had to.

Not cool in anyway shape or form.
S2 licensed
Is this ok?
The skin info given is quite vauge on what the skin could look like tbh.
S2 licensed
Team Name: Livestrong Racing
Entered Cars: 1
Starting numbers for the cars: 86
License Applications for the team:
Tim Chadwick / Astroboy / Male / Aus
S2 licensed
You should take your Gf away with you on holidays that way u can get into the kinky meat stuff. I hear its pretty rewarding, especially the pressing parts.
S2 licensed
Oh man i cant blame ur dad i wouldnt mind putting my fatty meat in there.
S2 licensed
Interesting indeed
S2 licensed
I reckon his more then fit enough, its just the doctor percutions that will proberly hold him back, let alone there still may things that mri's havnt shown ect.
Who knows he might just loose his nerve trailing another car in fear of something happening.
My thoughts really but thats all they are, id be wrapped to see Massa back, but would rather he came back when he was ready rather then premature.
So all in all, im on the fence wheres the dont know option?
S2 licensed
Bs that was so mental
S2 licensed
Question about the Renualt incident whats the deal?
They were released by the crew premature but surely its not the drivers fault.
What if the wheel hadnt of come off would they still have imposed the ban?
And lastly ive never heard of this rule tbh when did it come about?
S2 licensed
Hehe go figure the brain clicked on after i relized what i was talking about xrt converted to FXO skins. IM a smart one.
Last edited by AstroBoy, .
S2 licensed
*cough* what about Calder park speedway seeing as its hosted Nascar before to my knowledge or at least Auscar, it would proberly be the smarter place to host it, as it was purpose built hint.

Montoya i reckon he got screwd as well, left the tv for a few hours then came back and his in 10th for speeding and im like yep thats belivable.
S2 licensed
Does anyone have the correct skin layout, i see all the black spots randomly on the skins. Mostly where it joins.
S2 licensed
Quote from aroX123 :i wanna join
only bad thing, the ball can steer you know, the the driver who is the ball have to not move.
One thing you can do is have a setup that's uber low so the tires doesn't touch the ground

28th of June AROX!
Your a month late.
S2 licensed
Isnt a chicken a cock anyway, doenst it all work out?
S2 licensed
Quote from disposable :sorry mate but it doesnt make sense to send any of the skins separated from the rest of the pack. Otherwise it wouldnt be called a pack.

aw snap!
S2 licensed
Washed up hardly, he gave me a reason to watch F1 back then.
S2 licensed
Lol day 50 on that penguin one and i have no idea what im doing wrong.
Figured out what i was doing wrong and damn its good fun
94 days BEAT THAT!
Last edited by AstroBoy, .
S2 licensed
That movie was all kinds of awesome rolled into one.
S2 licensed
Daym where do i sign up?
S2 licensed
Quote from AstroBoy :What kind of team are you looking for: Race
Age: 18
Country: Australia
Preferred Car/Track: FZR and the open wheelers. Aston National and Kyoto Long
Average Laptime on Car/Track: Aston National is around 1.44.
How Active Are You? I havnt recently been active but am getting more active now.
Time Zone: GMT+10

My experience is above avarage running in all parts of a field Front Middle and Back. Im a consistent driver and try to keep a cool head through all situations.
I dont feel right doing one of these but id atleast like to express intrest into looking for a team .

Quote from GFresh :As a co-founder of the ex team Adaptive Racing, of which Tim was a valued member of, i can only recommend that he would be an excellent addition to any team. He may not quite be a world record setter, but you can rely on him for consistency, effort, and un-questionable loyalty.

Everyone else was doing it.