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S2 licensed
But how can you be narrow minded enough to hate halo? whats so wrong with it?
S2 licensed
Note that its Battlefield 3. Not Bad Company 3
Halo Reach
S2 licensed
Didnt see any threads yet, lol yep had to say it. ... gv2dOWFV0&feature=sub

Just a little interesting segment you should watch.

But what do you guys think? Is it worth getting? Better then Halo 3 best Halo ever?
S2 licensed
Final Fantasy 10 and Mgs 3 and im getting look below/
Also whats a good control layout for the buttons? And sticks?
S2 licensed
I dl'd the pcsx2 emu. But it hates me keeps giving me this is unable to run bs and closes it down i have all the BIOS and plugins but still doesnt like it. I guess the games i have aren't compatible.
S2 licensed
I think the term controversial is thrown around far to lightly these days.

But i mean he shouldnt have brake checked the biker nor should the biker of been right behind his bumper.
Wheres the option for their both at fault?
S2 licensed
Quote from Bob Smith :I feel any thread which becomes a list of things people won't actually care about, for example what the weather in some random place in the world, and creates no conversation, is just a spam thread.

If the thread is a list but of something appreciated (a good photo or video thread, for example), or if people actually create conversation and don't just add their bit and never post again, then it's fine by me.

As TVE points out, any thread sufficiently derailed, or turning unpleasant, is fair target for the padlock too.

Oh thats fair enough then.
Whats with all the random thread locking?
S2 licensed
Whats with the random thread locking lately?
Post your age
Post your weather conditions

Why whats the deal?
Just curious
S2 licensed
Clearly those regular guitars need to stop with the roids. Shrinkage isnt cool :P lol jks Ukulele is the bomb
S2 licensed
Since we were mentioning Dirt 2 i finally got around to finishing a gameplay video that was on my to-do list.

What do you think? Other then shonky driving?
S2 licensed
Currently 19 turning 19 in November as well as turning 20 in November figure that one out.
S2 licensed
Do i smell a mid life crisis car in the works?

Btw convertibles are lame unless your some hot blonde with daddys money or arent you telling us something?
S2 licensed
Didnt want to start a new thread. But im seeing like this silly subscription bar at the bottom of my youtube which is fair annoying. Sure it could grow on me but meh.
S2 licensed
Quote from DevilDare :Yeah, nothing new...

During F1 2010 interviews the devs have mentioned Dirt 3 numerous times.

Was new to me

If it can knock Dirt2 off the mark then damn bring it on.
S2 licensed
Quote from Bose321 :Even if someone has it, they're not allowed to tell you, because of the NDA, if he would, it would be illegal officially.

People follow these "NDA" rules as much as drivers follow the speed limit aka not often.
S2 licensed
I was feeling in the mood for something different the other day so i got myself a MR2 such a nice car

But on a different note are there any must have car packs? And all of them is not a answer.
S2 licensed
Quote from Becky Rose :I think "old woman" is a more honest depiction.

Oh Becky your to hard on your self. You dont look a page past 30
S2 licensed
That was fair funny, and lol you guys gotten beaten by a girl your masculinity is in danger now :P
S2 licensed
Just dl'd it man was it fun but i had no idea wtf i was doing bar shooting alien things Big grin It was great fun.
S2 licensed
Get KRUNK!!!!!!!!!!!
S2 licensed
Hehe i actually just finished the first one again a few weeks ago good times.
Hope this one is as great as the first.
Last edited by AstroBoy, .
S2 licensed
And he falters at the end of a 52km time did see that coming didnt you? You cant win a time trial in the first 20km but you can loose it and in this case a chance at a yellow jersey.
S2 licensed
Quote from Specht77 :??????? why you're so angry with him?

I doubt his angry at him. Just over his elitist attitude, nothing lives up to his exceptions, the whole world revolves around him ect.
S2 licensed
Welcome to the team mate look forward to racing with you