well i am driving teh slowest car in s1 becuz i kinda unlocked s2 to many times and soo i try slow cars and ina fx i get 1.48 i dont know wht any thing should be on force strenght 20 an dont have any set up =S soo confussed
Hi well i kinda new and i dont know how my g25 should be set up 4 raceing in LFS and when i drive i cant keep on track 4 very long i dont get all this setup stuff and on blackwood i can get 1.42 ^^ and i see thats really S**t can any 1 give me help and how i can improve =) amf ,aby how i set my g25 to work gd ty
yes man there the same soo i dont 4 get and my pc kinda bad so had to instal it alot and now he said u have used all unlock 4 the week now i cant play do i have to wait or wht