: ok that one thing i my have to take out but i thought it looked ok
But i seen drifters makign there cars go backwards and forward to music never seen that happed and i never seen cars go slow motion ether so why is going really fast any differnt
Omg i said yes comments are fine. Course tell them what bad but they do it in a harsh mana. I can take criticism i come here to have fun.
And bigcheese telling people to bash them it not really helping
but respect people i know if you say yes it crap and tell them why and, give them way to improve it or make better without very harsh comments. It makes them happy fining out how to make better but u bring out a evil name and say harsh things. people take there time and you just rip the crap out of it.
I dont care if i see movies, bad,rubbish ect. but i go there to watch and i have fun just seeing how people think and it's there own person going in to it not you squid or bigcheese its them they ask 4 comment not a kick around the head
devs should kick you out 4 disrespectful you think about you self and you dont think how other will react to you'r comments
Man go away go talk to a walk half then time you tell people whts wrong but in a very hash way witch wont help many peopel becuz they give up. It CALLLED RESPECT ONE THING YOU DONT HAVE .
Who cares a movie is a movie they suck because ur only comments are rude and mean u dont say wht is bad it a nice way u give a bash around then head for trying u think that really a nice way to help and taht why i just said ur's suck
Because you think the 1st movie is like there 100th and going to be great and if it there 1st it not going to be taht great because there new to this but u just give them a gd old moan and not any help
and to me u sound really bigheaded thinking u like are the best and runing anyone who try down i think is really disrespecful because like i see in other 1 of his and you told him to Squid , be a dear and coment this video plz , while I'm gonna go home and have a heartattack ...
That really helps you getting better that would make me give up.
Hi and welcome dont worry about all them people who are like OMG ITS A GIRL i think half them must not know wht a girl is and if u do this aint at you.
Wish i could get this mutch attenion i only do when i spell and or write so no one can understand and i get abuse about it.