Actually I find many of the music pieces of the LFS music add-on pack are really really good.
As for music, since everyone posts their stuff... I just started playing the bass three months ago. I'm studying the theories properly, too: music notation, chords, inversions, tempo, everything...
I bought a shiny new Spector. BTW for the Europeans, I highly recommend the German Thomann Musichaus online store, it has very good prices and excellent, and I really mean EXCELLENT, customer support.
Funny thing, that in my 27th year of life I'm starting to learn music. And I learned so much, so quickly. It's never too late!
Ah thanks, I was looking for these in the forum; the docs / READMEs don't seem to have them yet.
I'm inclined to give at least a p_dt to anyone who violates the pit exit lane and turns right in front of me without even checking his mirrors. Isn't this what happens IRL ANW?
Of course, it always helps to justify the given penalty to the offender. If that was what happened to the original poster, then there should be justification from the server admin(s). That's how we will all learn to drive better!
FYI, in my setup, wineconsole did not like 'nohup'. It seemed to need that tty open or something. And if I simply closed the remote shell session, it would start consuming 100% CPU and writing a big log file. Again. With WINEDEBUG=-all. illepall
My hack to make my dedicated server work was to use screen and then detach the terminal.
So my command line now is:
cd <LFS_Directory>
screen -S "$NAME" wineconsole --backend=curses LFS.exe /cfg=$CFG
NAME = a meaningful name to display in 'screen -ls', in case a lot of servers are used.
CFG = the config file
Then I do CTRL-A, D to detach from the terminal. (one can also use screen switches: -d -m - Start screen in "detached" mode. This creates a new session but doesn't attach to it. This is useful for system startup scripts.)
I've been running the two [noobs] servers, 'cow' and 'meow' , successfully for two weeks now, using the above workaround. No problems at all!
In my city there are lots and lots of bikers. In the summer where it's extremely hot, only 20% of them wear helmets. And it _is_ required by the law.
Some people are so stupid. illepall
And since we also have the worse accident rates in Europe, I'll give you two stories, which both involve cops in them. (Cops themselves are bad drivers and never really care to give the tickets that bad drivers deserve so much; everybody I know hates them!).
Story #1: Late night, low traffic. A police vehicle tries to cross across an intersection, while HAVING A RED LIGHT!! Yes, people are too stupid here and go through red lights all the time, grrrrrr. A bike with two kids passes the road at high speed and hits the police car. The kids died. They didn't wear any safety equipment, helmets or anything.
The police "officers" are still out there in the wild. They are above law, unfortunately.
Story #2: This actually happened two weeks ago, at a point that is part of my daily commute. Simlar to the above: a stupid taxi driver, went through an intersection with a red light, late at night. A motorbike with two cops who probably just ended their shift was passing at high speed, and hit the taxi. They both died! They didn't wear any helmets.
Well, what can one expect in a country where people can just pay a little more and get the licences at home by mail.
I haven't checked out's init scripts yet, to see if they take that into account. But for those of you who do this manually, be aware of the above thing.
1) how much of this bandwidth is used by other users -or you- in your LAN
2) how much upload b/w you've got.
If you have an assymetric line, such as ADSL, and the upload b/w is something like 384 kbps, and some people in your lan are sending out something or you have set up servers, then:
- everything will look fine to you (because downstream is okey)
- your upload will be worse, and you will look very very laggy to others.
BTW I have ADSL 384/128, and with only 128 kbps upload, if my brother, say, starts uploading a file, then upload AND download are affected and I start lagging a lot.
With assymetric lines, it's pretty easy to have problems. If you have ADSL, focus on the upload b/w.
Please go back to page one and see how I try to help people. Personally I go out of my way to help newbies who ask anything.
The other day someone was asking which would be the right tyre, R2 or R3. I started writing a bit about the difference and how it depended on driving style. I even gave a link to lfswiki. Someone else in my place would reply 'R3' and that was it. I don't like that.
When some people ask me for my setup (yes even that has happened which is strange because I'm not a setup guru at all), I don't just send it to them. I also tell them where I got it from or what it is about.
And really, where is the communication with "people from a lot of different countries" (sic) if all you give is a number?
Back to the topic of asking for the exact amount of fuel. Have you ever noticed this pattern on some of the people who ask?
- How much fuel is needed here?
(noone answers. 20 seconds later...)
- How much fuel is needed here?
(still no answer. Probably noone cares, noone can take their hands off their wheels or noone even knows).
- <span class="loud">HELLO? FUEL PLEASE??</span>
Eventually someone answers, only just to shut him up!
Again, I'm not saying that this is so much annoying. I'm just observing and discussing things. No need to get that flamethrower out of your pocket, please, lighten up.
SamH, thanks for seeing the bit of humor in this. I mean, how can someone sign off with 'Evil <nickname>' instead of '<nickname>' and some people still take it so seriously. I haven't even actually told anyone the wrong amount of fuel.
Of course not, but I always do at least one lap to warm up anyway. I can't really join others racing, without first remembering a bit about the car handlng and the quirks of a specific car setup.
That's my point, it doesn't make it any more fair, at least not in a noticeable amount. What difference does it make if it is 20% or 30%? Very little! Driving style with regard to tyre wear and the actualy setup are making a lot more difference.
I believe it was solar_energy who, in an MRT race in South City, was fueling up to 100% and was beating us all by far!
Perhaps it came off more evil than I intended it to be. But I believe it still is a good tactic towards some very irritating people out there.
Anyway, I do try to educate people more. There will always be the people who want it all ready, served in their plate, and if I'm around, I'm probably trying to get them to think.
(During quali) - How many laps are in this race?
(Someone) - 8
(Someone else) - 8
(Me) - F12
However, sometime this behavior _did_ once return back to me in a rude way:
(Some time before RACE_S setups)
- Anyone got a setup? I'm having trouble handling this car.
(me) - Here's a tip, go download the easy race setups. You will find they are a good starting point.
- Did anyone ask you to be a smartass? Mind your own business!
- illepall
I have to say that before patch U, I was encountering some crashes. Specifically, once in a while, the sound would start looping (resembling that Apple MacOSX audio echo bug), and then the whole universe would crash. I would not even be able to start another 3D application after that and had to reboot. This tended to happen either in-race or when I was exiting from the race and going back to menus.
Now I didn't mind too much because I considered that a feature; it was the only way that I could stop racing and start doing some work or get out and socialize. (And plus, I was really too lazy to file a bug report to the devs :owl: ).
But, since patch U, I have never encountered any crash and everything is rock solid stable!