I'm currently searching for all the old versions of the pth-files.
As of now I'm quite sure to have all the files since the release of S2
(being the ones from 0.5P (initial release), 0.5T (new AS6/7) and finally 0.5X30 (new SO6 + updates for BL, SO and FE))
But I can't seem to find any files from S1-stage (or even earlier) and archive.org hasn't saved them either. There was a corresponding zipfile on the website, though.
So, if anyone had those files and would be willing to share them (possibly naming the corresponding patch), I'd be grateful
I encountered some strange behaviour in color converting lately:
I've been playing with some old files and came across this (see attached pic):
which was given as: ^1^2^4Zs^3oo^4ti instead of - as I would expect -:
Now the question is:
Is my colour conversion wrong and it should display without "^2" (meaning it would had once been possible to "row-up" "color-switches")
Or is this correct and a literal "^" wasn't escaped back then?
Unfortunately I cannot have a look ingame as the corresponding replay was of patch P, which I can't unlock
I got this 3 or 4 times (from different drivers) but always from replays of patch P or Q ... so no checking possible on my side
Well, by now I figured it out myself by simply naming a new player that way and checking with the unlocked version in demo mode
For those wondering: It was handled as consecutive color changes, so no red "^2" in that name and the error was on my part ... I never trusted those regex-things anyway *grmblfx*
Be sure to get stats from a config that has 4 sectors.
Pubstat will always return the last split as laptime. So for example on BL1 you will get split1, split2 and laptime while split3 will be 0.
Thus you'll get split3 > 0 only on FE4, AS6 and AS7 ...
Any 2-sector-config will have split2 as 0 too
Though I can't really see, why this would be necessary, I'd have a request to those, who will be doing this:
Please do not give any players their extra-lap by faking a split- and/or laptime, thus virtually creating an extra-lap in middle of all the others.
Instead this should be handled via a "negative penalty lap", thus simply overriding the lapcount (as is currently done by substracting a positive value per rejoin from the lapcount).
Then, instead of finding some way to hold the rejoined driver in place, one might additionally consider to do a similar thing with the total racetime, by giving the racer/team a time penalty corresponding to the part of the laptime the driver wasn't able to do. (which might be difficult as there may be cases, where you's have to get an average lap out of nowhere or the lap the disco occured in was a very bad one and additionally it occured late on that lap giving you a negative time to wait )
Or (my favorite): Give a penalty corresponding to a certain percentage (e.g. 105%) of the team's average lap. This of course can only be done AFTER the race in the results. For live timing one could come up with a note/display that a time penalty for a certain amount of rejoins is pending and will be added later on.
Apart from - in my opinion - being the by far simplest and thus easiest to implement of all ways (you'd only have to implement "negative penalties" and time penalties, no other freaky stuff like holding cars in place or keeping them from rejoining), doing it that way one would preserve a maximised compatibility with results from alternative evaluations
Well ... filur's links don't work any longer, thus I can't see what he did there ...
I think I will complete that now as it is and consider a possible change of format later on, as I have to close the work down an go over to learning for a couple of weeks
I find it quite difficult to find the right section for this, so I'll happily post it here
We all know the "last race information" section on LFSWorld, which is racer-based.
Now, I suggest the following:
Add a search-field where you can enter a server name. Thus one would get a server-based history.
I know, that at different times different servers can and do have the same name. Nevertheless I'd find that quite usefull and as the information seems to be available ... why not use it?
So, you got a format?
I'd like to have a look at it as I'm currently clattering toghether my own stats script, that at last seems to arrive at a final stage ...
So, maybe I could use that format instead of the bunch of arrays I'm using right now
Well, actually I got a whole bunch of data, that I don't assume to be in that format, but one might at least take a look ...
I'm quite sure, this has been asked before, but since I can't find that anymore:
@Victor: Do you in any way have a unicode-font (preferably .ttf) which contains all those characters used by LfS or even better: One that even looks lke the fonts ingame?
If not, is it possible to create one?
And most important of all: If there is such a font, could you make it available to us, so we could use it?
(I'm asking espescially because I need to create some images that contain player-names using gd-library and I'd like to avoid shipping arialuni with the script ...)
I know it is possible in the editor (I've done it that way). I actually pointed out insim, because that would be fully automated, whereas manually putting an object via editor involves the admin looking at what he does (though an intersection-check would prevent abuse also in this case)
I'm not sure, whether this is old or new, but as of now it is possible to place autocross objects via insim:
It is possible to place an object in a place, where currently a car is. I've tried this for example with an armco5, placing it right inside my car. The result obviously is quite a nice flip (instantly).
Unfortunately I cannot provide you with a replay, as I can't save it, once I have altered the layout
Anyway: I think there should be a check, whether a car is present or not, before an object is actually placed. Especially if this is done during a session via insim there might be (more or less) funny effects otherwise.
btw: You are also instantly spinned away, if such an object is placed right where your car is placed on the grid (see replay) not sure, if there can be done anything about it though
I can reproduce this!
Actually this results in the racing line not being displayed ever again during(!) a session (be that a race, qual or replay), if the error-message came up, that the knw could not be loaded.
To reproduce this yyou might do the following:
- check BL2 with road-car (xfg)
- add ai (thusdriving xfg)
- pick fbm yourself
- start race
- press 4 to show racing line
- spec ai (producing the errormessage as the new focus is on fbm)
- go to pits and rejoin race with xfg
- no line will be displayed any more
I haven't tried this with other combos and I do doubt it is a high priority thing, as you aren't supposed to rallycross a fromula car anyway but it is reproducable
No insults intended ... and it ends with "it's a feature".
Case 1: You are on a "closed config"
If you go out of bounds you can be resetted to the point on track (or at least within the limits of the drivable area) which is closest to the one you ended up (or where you left the track; I don't really now how the position is calculated exactly), because LfS "knows" where you ought to drive. So everything is fine and as we knew it.
Case 2: You are on an "open config"
In this case LfS has no information on where you ought to be, as the world is totally open (and there are no track-nodes on which to decide where you should go).
So, as there is no information on where to put you, LfS can't put you anywhere.
If you reset while in a position where there is physical ground contact everything is fine and you are simply resetted ti the same position.
In a case as shown on your pic, where there is no ground, this cannot work. Actually in a previous version such a case resulted in endless respawning and falling through the ground. This is now effectively avoided by simply taking your car out of everything (retired).
Again, as there is no information on where to put you, I don't see an easy workaround for that. You might argue that you could directly go to spectators or pits but that would be even more irritating ...
So, what is this video intended to show us?!?
Watch your first vid and then ask yourself one question:
Would your car have behaved in the same way (e.g. same line), if the wall you have touched would not have been there and would the resulting laptime thus not have been affected? This is the actual meaning of a "minor impact" ...
The answer to this question is simply: No. (you even get your suspension damaged ... not hard but it gets damage ...)
It's not a bug ... (I think you know the rest of the sentence ... )
That was quite a massive impact. Actually the wall effectively helped your car to stay "in the line" so invalidation is absolutely correct and necessary here.
Besides I'm quite sure this would have been invalidated in the "old version" also
So we finally got a new mpr-version (15).
Was that only to prevent lfs 0.5 to play the new ones or was anything else altered? (Though I'd appreciate details a simple yes/no would be sufficient for the moment )
Edit: As a reminder: How about the width of autocross-objects? Where you able to get them? (No hurrying though )
Whoohoo, we have stuff, the boss doesn't :bananalla
No, seriously, I was thinking, as you ship those (inside smx-folder), you were also using them ...
Actually we don't know, what is influenced by those numbers and what is not, that's why we ask. Seems it is more complex than we imagined, so nevermind
But we do have separate pth-files for reversed configs, so, where's the point?
(This isn't meant to sound as rude as it does; I'm just curious!)
Yeah, that might be right, but nevertheless, the effect at Dragstrip is: Being on the same lap (which is obviously always true on the drag) you can always say who is in front of the other, simply by comparing nodenumbers (as they go from 0 to x).
This is not true for the other tracks, where finishline is quite in the middle of nowhere. While it might not be a great deal to consider the corresponding nodenumber, it still is a calculation worth eliminating.
Thus (as I understand it, which might be totally dumb) it might even be enough to make 0 the first node of a lap and finishline the last (or one in the middle as for dragstrip/unlooped tracks), not?