I believe the individual car blocking is much better than forcing people to spec, as it is done now, so this feature is in every respect (for me) a major improvement. If properly used, it will substantially limit confusion and bad race joining spam happening now.
I hope, Scawen, that you still follow this thread, because I'd like to suggest a
security improvement, also related to InSim. Just yesterday and today our servers were hacked in some way. I believe someone connected gained admin rights while being already online, or at least he/she was able to use all server admin commands. (I'm not sure, is that possible?)
The bad thing is that neither server nor any InSim tool (if I'm not mistaken) is able to log/see admin commands entered anywhere else than on host (and Remote, which is the host itself). All the / commands coming from a normal connection are "eaten", never reported. They are either refused or processed, but never logged.
Here I dare to suggest the following:
1) Whenever someone connects with server admin rights (or gets them somehow later, uhm?), record the event into server log, just one line with time, name, status.
2) Store all admin commands into server log, even when they come from normal connections and not just the host. This would be, I think, a major safety improvement allowing to backtrack currently hidden actions of rightful (and fake) admins. Of course I do not know how easy this is to implement, but I hope it can be done. Again, one line in server log, time, name, command, like it was a normal message.
3) If somehow possible, forward all such commands of all the connections also as standard messages to InSim clients, maybe using a new special type of message if necessary (I am not sure). IMO best would be to log/report all such commands, even if they're refused for insufficient rights. The idea is InSims can then spot all attempts at admin commands, and if they have a list of rightful admins, they can quickly recognize someone unauthorized is trying to subvert the server, with a protective action following (kick/ban).
I hope this makes sense, and thanks for considering.