Which is going to be added to and changed depending on if people are racing or marshalling.
Let me know if ive missed anyone and if ive made any mistakes
Ive decided to have the race on sunday the 4th of may, at 6.30pm Gmt, due to that being a good time for me and most (hopefuly) lfs players. Ive got a server sorted now, but thank you for the offers.
The track will be Fern Bay Gold, FE3.
As i said in the previous topic, the race will be two hours long, with a 20minutes qualify. The race should be starting at 7pm, leaving 20mins for qualify and 10mins for everyone to connect.
Rules and regs are as usual, i hope i dont have to explain them to everyone but before the race i will get them written up for you all.
I will add your username to my list so that 3days before the race i will send you the password via pm on this forum.
Please reply with your S2 username on this thread and state weather you want to race or be a marshall.
Im going to start another thead for the poll tomorrow now, think i will include a list of who will be attending too and what roll they will be playing, Marshall or racing.
That is a very good point, i think other than then the next weekend would be the best but like i said, its due to change depending on the community and what im doing.
Thanks for the offer but i think i have a server sorted now.
So far im thinking Fe3 on the 27th (due to change) around 7:00pm Gmt, Would be finished by 9 and i think thats the best time to make it viable for our american friends .
Im going to have a talk to a couple of my friends to confirm the dates, times, track and make sure were ready. Once everything is confirmed i will open another thread for racers that can guarentee they will be there, who will be sent the password via pm to the server 3days before the race.
I will work on rules and regs tomorrow and reply, this isnt going to be a one man band trying to make it big.
Comments please, and anything you think ive missed.
Ide like to hold it on a sunday night maybe a saturday night, which ever is best. it wont be for about a month im thinking, to set it all up and get as many racers as possible and as many marshalls. so far it looks like its going to be Fern Bay Gold (FE3).
Im thinking about a one off uf1 endurance race, a small track like so city or a short fern bay, if theres enough interest it will go ahead. I already have a few people intersted.
My idea would be to make a thread on here to sign up, each player signed up would get a pm with the password to the server enclosed. Im hoping for at least 20 people, plus people to marshall if they doubt there racing skills.
At most would be a 2 hour race, single people and teams welcome.
Normal race rules apply and common sence!
If anyone would be kind enough to lend me there server for a few hours for the race its self and testing that would be very much appreciated
So im just gathering interest. Comments please...
Not sure if this has been said, but just went to have a drag race with ai and they dident start and just reversed and moved about
this happend again and again, iirc this wasnt a prob with x10?
is it something im missing?
i think this is the same as i just was about to report, after doing the pit lane cmd from being upside down on track i was unable to move or anything, and nobody could see my car in the pit garage and were able to drive through my car!
Hope it gets fixed soon...
I've been trying to run a server for around a month now.
I think i got a bit closer earlier, but my friends still cant connect.
I've forwarded both TCP and UDP ports, but still no luck.
on the dedicated box it says "New guest timed out".
I turned windows firewall off, and unblocked the firewall ports on my router.
go into lfs> multiplayer> start new game> and then click at top, local, then the usual when ur finished find the hosts ip and then on the 2nd pc, go to join specific game > local network > then type the ip of host pc. then host port (as set on start game on host pc)
Thought i would post here.
Im looking for a over head view (inc all road) of fe black, as im making a map.
If anyone has one please could i have it, lol.
I have searched and found nothing maybe i missed it.
I drive with 900 and always wish at least 1 or 2 cars would have 900.
Is there even any wheel that has 720? i thought the only wheel's close are the DFP and G25
if your a demo user why would you want this the car park isent a great drag strip..... and i really hope lfs dosent turn into nfs, that would be the worst thing that could happen