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S2 licensed
simply answer buy s2 and you can have everything we have....
S2 licensed
Quote from The Very End :Was hes the guy that won the LX month, or at least one week of it?

he won 2weeks (i think)

and its great that this thread has been bumped....i wasent around then and ive seen him around here..
S2 licensed
great vid
u just have to do another
could do 1 at the carpark lol
S2 licensed
very weird dident look like lag but lfs can be weird
S2 licensed
that would be great and i would be willing to help you out (see profile for msn).

i think the cars should be left to the road cars as some beginners might struggle with the higher performance race cars.
S2 licensed
tried it and it goes to a blank blue screen and just sits there...

i would get a new wheel but funds are tight atm
S2 licensed
thanks m8 i will do that soon
Last edited by AW06, .
momo problem
S2 licensed
Maybe not the best place for this thread but...

I have a red momo wheel and every time I use it on my computer my computer restarts without warning.

I have tried the wheel on another computer and it works fine, I’m wondering if it’s the wheel or my computer.

As I don’t have another wheel with FFB I can't test my computer. I’ve never had any other problems with this wheel.

Any suggestions welcome... Thanks
Last edited by AW06, .
S2 licensed

is there a server running now?

S2 licensed
getting back to the point is it the manual clutch does using auto clutch let you upload them?
S2 licensed
i try not to do full lock but i start going into the corner and realise im not going to make it out the other side and think oh s***, same with the brakes

and the girlfriend i dident notice b4 lol

btw im using a logitech formula gp wheel as my red momo aint working
beginner needs help
S2 licensed
hi all

ive had lfs s2 for about 2months and im gettin quicker but it would be great if i could follow an experanced racer for a while.

i keep going round westhill and gettin a time of 2.5mins in a FXO.

any help would be a great help thanks in advance

ive added a replay of a few laps around west hill with a pro AI