The online racing simulator
Strange crash
(15 posts, started )
Strange crash
It's realy strange. I was on we int, first lap, 3rd place. On T1 the car suddently turned to left without i touched anybody. Realy strange. It may be due to the lag but i didn't had a high ping.

Any idea?
Attached files
Wired Crash XFR @ WE Int.mpr - 367.9 KB - 392 views
That car to the right of you did lag a tiny little bit, but still didn't seem to go anywhere near you.

It was most probably like that, never seen anything like that happen before apart from lag
Strange :/
Well, guess it`s lag then, lag can cause a lot of strange accidents.
Mhhh i guess you're right. Little lag + the wired colision engine of lfs can cause crashes
#5 - AW06
very weird dident look like lag but lfs can be weird
No chance you are a mouse user?

Well, I am and this happens to me sometimes. I call it a 'fit'. It happens when the optical mouse misreads the mouse movement. In that case it thought you turned it left, while you did not. I have got this sometimes on a perfect straight. Really annoying. Afaik the only way to reduce it to get a better mouse, mouse pad or start use a wheel.
Quote from Aquilifer :No chance you are a mouse user?

Well, I am and this happens to me sometimes. I call it a 'fit'. It happens when the optical mouse misreads the mouse movement. In that case it thought you turned it left, while you did not. I have got this sometimes on a perfect straight. Really annoying. Afaik the only way to reduce it to get a better mouse, mouse pad or start use a wheel.

You saying something there, I don`t play with mouse, but sometimesmy mouse can start moving on the screen, without me doing anything. A little knock on it helps, but first time it happend I got scared :P

Anyway, it`s a good chance that it may be this, but it also has to be some lag in the picture aswell because it looks really strange :/
Ok, I watched the replay now. It does not look like what i told in the prev post. If it would be the thing I told, you could see the steering wheel and the vitual steering marker turn left. But in the replay they do not. Actually it is constantly pointing bit right, while the car makes a jump to left.

I haven't watched replays of those cases when I have had those 'fits', so not sure how they should look like in a replay. At least while driving you should see the steering wheel suddendly turn left.
If seen and experienced something like that before.

I call it "hit by a ghost car"

Because of (also little) lag LFS thinks the car (#2. in the pic who was lagging a bit) is still there.
But in reality the car was already somewhere else (#3. in the picture)
So the "Ghost" (#2.) of the real car touched you (#1) and caused the "crash".
Attached images
I had something similar happen to me lastnight on Westhill in the GTi.
I was going around the long left hander (3rd corner) and all of a sudden it was like i got a puncture. The back of the car just stepped WAY out of shape.
There was a car about 1 car length behind me but nobody any closer.
I didn't hear or feel any contact but i still presume it was some sort of warping.. ?
Quote from BBO@BSR :If seen and experienced something like that before.

I call it "hit by a ghost car"

Because of (also little) lag LFS thinks the car (#2. in the pic who was lagging a bit) is still there.
But in reality the car was already somewhere else (#3. in the picture)
So the "Ghost" (#2.) of the real car touched you (#1) and caused the "crash".

Maybe. But...I have always thought LFS would display the car 2 in a place where it thinks it is. This replay was filmed in car1(?), so if the lfs in the client car 1 thought that car 2 hit it, then why doesn't it show the car 2 in such a place that the hit would be visible?
Quote from Aquilifer :Maybe. But...I have always thought LFS would display the car 2 in a place where it thinks it is. This replay was filmed in car1(?), so if the lfs in the client car 1 thought that car 2 hit it, then why doesn't it show the car 2 in such a place that the hit would be visible?

I have no idea but if we would see the car hitting/touching the other car then we wouldn't have this topic here because then it would be obvious who was hit by whom

I personaly had a crash where someone "rammed me" in a league race at full speed when I braked for a turn.
Watching the replay showed he was more then 20 meters away from me (but lagging) and never touched me but I also had damage on the back of my car (like when he hitted me) etc.

I checked my replay, his replay and the replays other players had taken but in none of the replays was he hitting me (it was just the "hit by a ghost car" effect).
Just to show that this kind of crashes happen more then once.

Happend a few minutes ago today.

End of Lap1 (3rd last corner)
He (puma) bumped me (BBO) out of the corner without touching me.

He said his was listening to internet radio during racing
(looks like that caused the lag and the crash)
Attached files
ghost-crash2.mpr - 1.7 MB - 223 views

So it seems. So the game doesn't show the car where it thinks it is.
I think this is more like a game bug than a car bug then.
Shadow you were on an Argentinian server by the looks of things, and... the ping for SouthAmerican servers isn't a place were a European should be.

Strange crash
(15 posts, started )