I got most my stuff from newegg, but some of the stuff like graphics, ram, and case i basically got for free, because i work at a computer store, and i get amazing discounts but can only get so much of a discount, so i got what i could and bought the rest from newegg. I dunno really what everyone is ranting about.. I just wanted 8gb.. is there a problem with that? Why not go ahead and get 8gb and not have to worry about not being able to play a game the needs a fast rig. ( Sorry if Some of my stuff isn't making much since, A bit drunk) I can play crysis no lag, or problems at all, all on high settings, or i think at least.. (Don't play much crysis, didn't really get into it) but I did over clocking on my old computer with 4gb and didn't notice a difference in overclocking with 8gb... it works great.. i haven't had any problems with overclocking, and it improves my rig by alot.