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S3 licensed
Yea nvm, I did have errors but i both lappers for both servers last night and they both did great. Didn't get one error. I updated to I think the 5.7 for now, until 5.8 comes out.
S3 licensed
I'd get the GTX personally.. I run 2 9800gtx+ in SLI right now and there great cards for a good price. I'm not much of ATI person so i haven't really tryed or used that card.
S3 licensed
Alright, I updated it mate. I just keep having problems the lapper.exe or a file in the lapper files. Because i keep getting errors in the .exe and it makes the lapper not work until i reset it.
[WYD] Team Skin for FBM - Request
S3 licensed
For our demo server we need a Skin for the FBM. Just something Simple, with WYD on it, and the website which is Would like the skin to be one of these colors:


And maybe have some tribal graphics on the sides?

But it don't really madder what it has on it as long as it looks good and has the text on it XD Thanks.

If anyone would like to do this, then thanks alot :thumb:
Last edited by Backtrack3d, .
S3 licensed
Just people in general really. A few people have got stop-go's and it's suppose to spec them but it doesn't. I have a dedicated server box running 2 lfs servers at the moment. Heres what i got for the penalty's..

# Pitting penalties

# Actions to execute when player gets drive-through penalty.
# If more actions, separate them with '|'.
# Possible variables to use:
# {Nickname} - Nickname of driver
# {Username} - Username of driver

DriveThroughPenaltyAction = /msg {Nickname}^1 Dont try this at home|/rcm ^1WARNING-KICK POSSIBLE|/rcm_ply {Username}|/spec {Username};

# Maximum Drive-Through penalties to tolerate.

MaxDriveThroughPenalties = 1;

# Actions to execute when player gets stop-go penalty.
# If more actions, separate them with '|'.
# Possible variables to use:
# {Nickname} - Nickname of driver
# {Username} - Username of driver

StopGoPenaltyAction = /msg {Nickname}^1 Kick to fast drive on pit|/rcm ^1WARNING-BAN POSSIBLE|/rcm_ply {Username}|/kick {Username};

# Maximum Stop-Go penalties to tolerate.

MaxStopGoPenalties = 0;

# Actions to execute when player gets 30 seconds penalty.
# If more actions, separate them with '|'.
# Possible variables to use:
# {Nickname} - Nickname of driver
# {Username} - Username of driver

Time30PenaltyAction = /msg {Nickname}^1 spec'ed to fast drive on pit|/rcm ^1WARNING-BAN POSSIBLE|/rcm_ply {Username}|/spec {Username};

# Actions to execute when player gets 45 seconds penalty.
# If more actions, separate them with '|'.
# Possible variables to use:
# {Nickname} - Nickname of driver
# {Username} - Username of driver

Time45PenaltyAction = /msg {Nickname}^1 spec'ed to fast drive on pit|/rcm ^1WARNING-BAN POSSIBLE|/rcm_ply {Username}|/spec {Username};

Last edited by Backtrack3d, .
Flood,stop-go, etc not kicking the players?
S3 licensed
I was testing my lapper I'm using to see if the kick's and spec's worked. Well after i flooded the server, or did the maximum's allowed it sayed i was getting kicked but i was still in the server? also tryed the drive through penalties, and stop-go's and it said it was going to kick me but never did.

Anyone know how to fix this? Thanks.
S3 licensed
Dang, I feel stupid now Thanks.
/cars aren't working right? or am i doing it wrong.
S3 licensed
Ok, I've been trying to add more then one car to race with. I've done it before but it don't seem to work on this server im running. I trying to add more cars in the cfg file (I used the GTR cars) and out of the three I used only the first one you could use ingame. I tryed all these and none worked:

/cars fzr fxr xrr
/cars fzr, fxr, xrr
/cars fzrfxrxrr

and some more, but cant get them to work.

Please help someone, I dunno if I'm doing it right, or wrong, So thanks!

Cheers, Cody.
S3 licensed
That didn't help me, Sorry.
How do run a LFS lapper with a Dedi Server Box?
S3 licensed
Alright, The Clan I'm in are hosting a LFS server from there dedicated server box, from somewhere. It has a control panel and all that stuff, to edit files and restart the server, etc etc. My question is, how do i get the LFSlapper on my computer to run on the server, that's on the dedicated server box?

If you don't understand where im coming from then thanks anyways

Cheers, Cody.
Menu's for your Lapper?
S3 licensed
Do you add Menus like a rules menu, lap menu, etc in your insim or lfslapper?

And how do you go about making a menu to display when someone connects so they see rules, and everything like that.

Cheers, Cody.
How do i add in a new LFS lapper to my LFS server?
S3 licensed
Sorry all, I'm not to sure if this has been posted or not, but heres my question.

I need to know what i need to do in order to put all the files from the LFSlapper files into my server, so i can have the lapper that i downloaded to work.

If you get what I'm saying please help me I dunno where to save all the files to?
S3 licensed
I got most my stuff from newegg, but some of the stuff like graphics, ram, and case i basically got for free, because i work at a computer store, and i get amazing discounts but can only get so much of a discount, so i got what i could and bought the rest from newegg. I dunno really what everyone is ranting about.. I just wanted 8gb.. is there a problem with that? Why not go ahead and get 8gb and not have to worry about not being able to play a game the needs a fast rig. ( Sorry if Some of my stuff isn't making much since, A bit drunk) I can play crysis no lag, or problems at all, all on high settings, or i think at least.. (Don't play much crysis, didn't really get into it) but I did over clocking on my old computer with 4gb and didn't notice a difference in overclocking with 8gb... it works great.. i haven't had any problems with overclocking, and it improves my rig by alot.
S3 licensed
and i spent 750 bucks on this.. i don't think it was a waste of money.. good deal
S3 licensed
Pictures XD My wheel is broke, so that sucks :bump:
S3 licensed
Alright! Thanks you It was weird that the Pace Car was just doing Qualifying in South City Classic.

Ill try the Username thing and see what happens hehe. Oh, I did Register my team.

If anything else becomes a question, I'll let you know. Thanks.
My Gaming Rig XD
S3 licensed
Hey guys, Just wanted to share what i have right now to play LFS on.

-Raidmax aztec Mid Tower Case
-730watt Raidmax PS
-Gigabyte Motherboard (Crossfire Ready)
-E8400 3.0ghz Overclocked to 4.05ghz
-8gb of DDR2 1066 ram.
-640gb Storage Drive
-250gb Backup Drive.
-Nvidia GeForce 9800GTX+ Overclocked Maxed (Anymore will make my pixels go crazy LOL)

I was going to run two 9800gtx+'s but i thought the motherboard said SLI ready also, but it didn't and i got it with Crossfire not SLI, So i went and sold the other 9800gtx+. But i might later on get two ATI Radion IceQ4 or something like that, and run them Crossfire.

And i think thats about it, Hope you like
Thanks, Cody.
A couple Questions.
S3 licensed
Hello guys, I'm Cody Aka [TBR]Backtrack. I have a few questions for you guys.

- I seen someone with the name PACE CAR.. How did they get the blue car icon on the map and be a Pace Car person?

- How do you become an official Team. Like i see in the Event Section with server names that I've seen around in that section.

- Can you put Official team tags on your name.. Like i seen someone with the name: EX: TRdarkknight and when then PB comes up in the chat it only says Darkknight and don't have the TR infront of the name.

Thats all for know Thanks guys
S3 licensed
For the people that think it's fake, Well it's not. InsideSimRacing, did a Review not to long ago and all. It's close to the same thing as the G25 just a few more added features, and made the pedals and maybe internal components in the wheel better for longer use and less noise.
S3 licensed
I think the port you plug in the Power cord into is bad.. or something.. Can you strip the wires and run + to + and - to -.. ? Just wondering.. That would be direct power?
DFP Driver Installation Problem...?
S3 licensed
Alright... I downloaded the Driver for the DFP for x64 vista from i believe the logitech site. After hours of trying to install it.. i'm just .. well stuck.

There is one green light on at the right side, and the other one on the left just keeps blinking on and off. When i go to install the driver, i get to the first part where it says something like "shutting down other logitech applications" and it just sites, there and i eventually get the " Not Responding " message.?? Whats the deal? I've tryed 2 different places for the drivers and still no luck.. whats the problem?

DFP Driver Installation Problems.
S3 licensed
Alright... I downloaded the Driver for the DFP for x64 vista from i believe the logitech site. After hours of trying to install it.. i'm just .. well stuck.

There is one green light on at the right side, and the other one on the left just keeps blinking on and off. When i go to install the driver, i get to the first part where it says something like "shutting down other logitech applications" and it just sites, there and i eventually get the " Not Responding " message.?? Whats the deal? I've tryed 2 different places for the drivers and still no luck.. whats the problem?

Thanks, Cody.
S3 licensed
And.. You don't have to be a Dick about it either.
S3 licensed
Yea, The Next time it won't take so long hehe.. I'll give all detail first hand in the first msg.. But thanks again for your help and It looks really really nice. Appreciate it bud, Have a good Night.
S3 licensed
Well, I would like to see:

-Go-Karts ( With dirt and hard tracks, of different sizes.)
-Muscle Cars..That would be fun having The raw power of them to play with.
-Another GTR car, Not to sure which, but just another to add some fun.