The online racing simulator
DFP Driver Installation Problems.
Alright... I downloaded the Driver for the DFP for x64 vista from i believe the logitech site. After hours of trying to install it.. i'm just .. well stuck.

There is one green light on at the right side, and the other one on the left just keeps blinking on and off. When i go to install the driver, i get to the first part where it says something like "shutting down other logitech applications" and it just sites, there and i eventually get the " Not Responding " message.?? Whats the deal? I've tryed 2 different places for the drivers and still no luck.. whats the problem?

Thanks, Cody.
You say you 'think' you have the right driver?

You should be downloading the 'Logitech Gaming Software' of which the latest version is 5.04. It's a generic driver for all the Logitech wheels.

You can get it here:

Also make sure you have the power cable in properly - it will 'wake up' with just the power from the USB, but needs the external supply to function properly.

Lastly, I find my DFP sometimes just stops responding - simply unplugging the USB cable and re-inseting it fixes things. You'll know it's working as it'll recalibrate itself by steering itself left and right to the full extents.

I think the port you plug in the Power cord into is bad.. or something.. Can you strip the wires and run + to + and - to -.. ? Just wondering.. That would be direct power?