What kind of team are you looking for? Drift
Age: 16
Country: USA
Preferred Car/Track: XRT, RB4, FZ5, and every track is fine to me
Average Laptime on Car/Track: I dont know
How Active Are You? Everyday bout 3-4 hours What Kind of Control do you use? Mouse Time Zone: Central
[AEM] was started in early November by Devil. He has put together everything and he has done a good job. He did the website, skins, and team video.
Website: http://driftalliance.freeforums.org/ the reason it says drift alliance is because are 1st team name was going to be drift alliance but then we figured out that there was already a team called that and we didnt want to change the name of the site cause we had already put enough work into it but that is the [AEM] website.
Hey i was wondering where i can find a spoiler for the xrt, i was watching a video on youtube, and this guy had a big spoiler on the xrt, so if somebody could give me a link or something that would be great thanks